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About nathaniel0519

  • Birthday 05/19/1998

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  1. I have P3Dv5.4 i have no events on the event viewer. would it help if I could send the video somehow? I am unfamiliar with how it works.
  2. Hello I am having a major problem with Aerosoft today. After loading up a flight, as soon as I get into the sim I get a CTD. This only happens with Aerosoft aircraft and I have gone to extreme measures to try to solve this. I uninstalled and reinstalled Aerosoft Airbus Professional, P3D, and I even went as extreme as restarting windows from scratch- all with the same result. Please help? I attached the video in this url. Hope you guys can open a google drive video. https://drive.google.com/file/d/18c7iw4KiLNUuMfF-3WFUyysrgUvdEcHJ/view?usp=drive_link
  3. Hello, I am currently in the process of installing flightplans/aircraft for AIG and I was wondering if I want to purchase payware addons for AI Traffic, how would I go about installing them? Thanks!
  4. Thank you. It works for me. I installed it into a different folder and then overwrited what was in the nav data folder
  5. I had put it in the Blackbox Nav Data folder which is in the P3Dv5 folder and I am unable to update the AIRAC. Even with the manual installer from Navigraph.
  6. I forgot to mention I have P3Dv5. Is that what you used?
  7. Does anyone have the Black Box A340 and is able to update the AIRAC? Not sure how to update it. My most recent AIRAC is from 2017.
  8. Hello, I am trying to download this scenery but the file downloads as a text instead of a BIN file so now the installer does not recognise the BIN file. Any solutions?
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