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Everything posted by dbrooke

  1. Hi there! I have the Toliss A340 - 600. I have problem with the hydraulic pumps, Clive doesn't seem to be able to open the four switch covers and consequently the hydraulic pumps don't start, starting with APU. I can correct this myself manually, can you arrange for some more training for him? Regards Dudley
  2. It's a problem I am suffering with too. The only solution for my old eyes is to have a magnifying glass to hand. I have a 4K monitor, with only a 27" screen, so everything is small, especially P2ATC. It might be a feature to consider in future. Dudley
  3. Hi Thanks for the help, all OK now. Regards Dudley
  4. I have tried moving scripts into the interface, but no response. Any advice, I would have thought it similar to other Toliss aircraft.
  5. For X-Plane, the New Ini-Simulations A300 ( it's so complicated, I need Clive ) and the Toliss A340-600 when it arrives.
  6. I have noted that on the 757 the APU displays fail by the switch, on the 767 there is no fail sign and all proceeds correctly.
  7. Hi Gerald I have run MCE and issued the two commands you suggested, both were recognised. I shall send the debug dialog via Email. I am a complete novice with Planemaker.
  8. I am sorry to say the CP is still ignoring the APU generator command with all the new files.
  9. I edit flows in Voxscript normally. I have that version installed. OK thanks.
  10. Hi I have 3 variants, response is the same from them all. 'Launch APU' is not recognised. The other three commands all work. Thanks Dudley
  11. Hi I have tried with the Flight Factor 767 and the command works. Might be relevant as they are so similar. Dudley
  12. Hi The command is not recognised at all. I can speak the command or use the test function in Voxscript and no text appears in the top left. I assume he doesn't understand what I am saying at all. I can't seem to post images here. So will send the Screenshot by Email. Actually, when the command comes up in the flow, the writing top left says command does not seem to exist. Best Dudley
  13. Hello Well I finally treated myself to the 757 extended - I have found one function that is not recognised - that is the 'APU generator on ' command. It doesn't work from the test in Voxscript either. Thank You
  14. The flows for this aircraft seem to be missing from latest revision of MCE. The is a PDF which lists the commands though.
  15. Hello Gerald I have installed the latest MCE, and I get very patchy performance with XP11.50 Either OpenGL or Vulkan. Most of the time it doesn't start up properly. When XP boots I only see a message saying 'Starting Plugins', no specific message about XPinsider64. Then when I start the MCE interface it doesn't show the version number in the little splash screen. Under XP11.41 everything works fine, so that is where I am staying for now. I have other problems with 11.50 as well (Better Pushback and Jar design aircraft)
  16. I have been informed by Windows update, that it made a mess of updating and had to reinstall, particularly .Net, everything seems better behaved now. I don't know if that would be relevant to MCE
  17. Hi Gerald I have just decided to try X-Plane this morning, and today MCE works without me having made any changes. I have no idea what was happening. Regards Dudley
  18. I rolled back to XP 11.41 and the problem persists. I got the Windows troubleshooter up after MCE disappeared. I updated to Windows 2004 this morning, could that be the problem?
  19. Hi I have have checked and all the files you mention are in the correct place. xpinsider64 does not appear explicitly on boot up - but I checked log.txt and that says that xpinsider64 was started. I still run evreything as admin as some things still require it. Best Dudley
  20. Pretty much what it says in the title, MCE startin dialog comes up and I hear the chatter. But the co-pilot never arrives. I have done a file check on X-Plane. and also reinstalled MCE as per instructions . At a loss on how to continue. Best Dudley
  21. A new request in X-Plane for RW Design Twin Otter DH6 - think a lot will be just standard X-Plane There seems to be some difference between the G1000 model and the standard ones.
  22. I rolled back to 11.41, XP was just crashing in OpenGL mode, so I have left it for now.
  23. Thanks, I am getting visual problems with the Toliss as well as no sound. and they reckon it's a failure of SASL, I don't understand the log.txt well enough to decipher it. I have done a file check with X-plane and it comes up OK. I have latest NVidia drivers. I can't assess whether the failure of SASL is affecting MCE. But the whole thing is turning out to be a bit of a car crash so I shall just switch back to OpenGL for now.
  24. Re-installed again, I am afraid I am getting the same message. I have rolled back to OpenGL version and MCE behaves normally. It just seems it doesn't like Vulkan for some reason. It's rather perplexing as paths don't change with the new API.
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