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Posts posted by akmatov

  1. Noticed in the Bargain forum that Eaglesoft was having a 40% sale and out of nostalgia went and looked.  They now have the basic GA Liberty 2 for P3D and having just switched to P3D and having bought it as it was my first aircraft in FSX. It was a great first aircraft for familiarization and I could install F1 GTN 750 and learn about that in an otherwise benign environment.  A really nice little bird to learn on.

    However, when loaded up in P3D the instruments in the panel are blank, all of them.  Had a similar problem back in FSX with the GTNs being blacked out, but just correcting the F1GTN.ini file fixed that.  However, in P3D there is no .ini file.  Anyone have any idea how to fix this?  I've signed up with their Support Forum and waiting to be approved, but thought someone here might know the simple fix?

    Just noticed, there are no switches on the panel either, so no way to switch anything on, though the aircraft starts with the engine running so presumably power is on.


  2. "Hal Stoen: "Stoenworks Aviation CD""

    Thank you for the name he was using for his products.  Sadly Mr. Stoen died in 2016 and his website is down, but I found an archive and will be checking it out.  In addition, to the two books I mentioned above I have his two books of flying VFR and IFR, which are the best I've ever seen, not massively technical, but invaluably informing for a newbie like myself.  He had a good run, but I wish he had had longer (pure selfishness, I like his books).

    Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20160512154839/http://www.stoenworks.com/Aviation home page.html



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