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Everything posted by Chok

  1. I tested this with clear skies and there was no problem, thank you for your help.
  2. Hello everyone. I am experiencing a problem with my PMDG 737-800 NGX, the problem appeared suddenly and i can confirm that it has worked before, as in two weeks ago, i have not installed any addons or changed anything to my setup in the time between it working and not working, but the problem does not occur if i load one of the tutorial flights, i have tried to check if there is any difference between the aircraft setup configuration in the tutorial flight and when i load the plane in freeflight but i have not been able to find any difference yet. When i choose heading select it consistently flies 3-5 degrees to the right of the heading i put into the MCP. The problem does not appear when i select LNAV. I appreciate any help/advice. Best regards. Frederik Pedersen.
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