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Posts posted by CW46

  1. I have the FSB GNS 530 and a single G1000 unit set to use a MFD, at near half the cost of alternative models I am pleased to have made that choice. I also purchased the Altimeter Motives C172 panel and after using it this week have decided to order the right side panel to complete it for a radio stack. I like the VESA mounting option as it allows simple change out of equipment for a different simulator and gear setup. Definitely would repurchase either product again if needed.

  2. On 9/10/2023 at 9:38 AM, hs118 said:

    Ever seen a Level III simulator? The use case and functionality of them is not designed to be primarily visual. The same is true of Prepar3d. 

    Yes, many years as a client and the last 4 years of my career as a Level D sim instructor. The majority of training is for normal, emergency procedures and systems training and I am well aware of that. Most training was at night or in instrument conditions with very little day VFR because the visual quality was frankly mediocre at best. Hopefully newer sim systems have upgraded the visuals to more replicate a real world view. The benefit would be substantial, on the civilian side many of us would be faced with a circle to land procedure on a regular basis. Having a good visual system in the simulator would allow to train clients for their needs at specific airports. I would be shocked if the current state of simulation has not yet achieved that which can be displayed in entertainment software.

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  3. If the case has been made that P3D is primarily for use in government training contracts then I would very much like to see how that version of the platform compares visually to DCS. If it appears even remotely similar to the civilian P3D release, then all I have to say as an American taxpayer it would be another version of the infamous $800 toilet seat. DCS may very well be for entertainment but it sure looks pretty to me.

  4. As pretty as they are none of those options would represent an actual era panel due to the fact GPS was not available at that time. In 1985 I flew serial number 369, a brand new 25G model and near the end of the production run. Only glass on the panel would have been a weather radar, and the long range nav would be a Loran C or VLF/ Omega unit mounted in the pedestal. That model was certified to FL510 but good luck getting there. I tried twice on dead head legs and 47,700 was the highest I ever got it to go and even then auto pilot had a hard time with it. Fun performance wise but an absolute PITA to operate in high density areas where ATC would keep you at FL230 coming out of Boston or New York area and you were screaming for a higher altitude. If you needed an alternate it was not going to be a fun day. SOP out of Teterboro was taxi out on one engine a request a two minute heads up for the second engine start just to save fuel. I have the Xtreme Prototypes version and it is a pretty nice product.

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  5. 5 hours ago, jfri said:

    First I already have Active Sky and I fly in VR. The questions that come to my mind is. What are the differences between ASCA and RSF ? Well I see one difference. ASCA is a little bit less expensive than RSF. So is RSF a little bit better ? Since I already have Active Sky does that mean ASCA has advantage since it might work better together with Active Sky ?

    RSF was recently $15.99 USD on sale that's when I picked it up, I wanted to try another option instead of the ASCA I was already using. RSF includes a weather engine plus other features and replaces sky colors, clouds etc in default P3D. Active Sky works with ASCA  weather display and cloud replacement, you buy both products unless there is an option for both that I was not aware of when I purchased them. What one option has over the other is purely subjective as suggested by the previous comments from others. It comes down to what appeals to you visually, either ASCA or RSF.  I retain Active Sky as the weather engine in P3D but prefer RSF for sky and clouds and I like the random feature which I feel adds more variety of how the weather effects are displayed each new session I fly. I had used the older version of Rex products when I ran P3D V4.5 and always like the visuals they produced in that version. For myself RSF produces a similar result in V5.4, 

  6. Beauty is in the eye of the holder as they say, I switched to Rex Sky Force from ASCA with EA on and volumetric off. ASCA just looked too repetitive at times, especially the thunderstorm depiction. At any rate either option is better than default P3D anything.

  7. 5 hours ago, jfri said:

    How is performance with Rex Sky Force ? What about the volumetric clouds slider in P3D5.4 ? Do they give any recommendation for it regarding RSF in  order to benefit for it ?

    No performance issues on my system with RSF ( I7-8300K with AMD RX 6700 XT) albeit my sliders are not maxed out. I have the volumetric slider set to off so the RSF clouds display. I never saw more than one cloud layer using volumetric clouds, and they tend to display the waffle effect which looks odd to say the least. I also use Active Sky with RSF and I must say that I prefer that combination over the previous use of Hifi ASCA with Active Sky. Going through a line of weather looks quite realistic, the position of thunder storm clouds agree with the NGXu radar display and the clouds themselves look very good. I choose the random setting option in RSF, each session has a different cloud style and sky color set for variety. It was on sale for $15 so after trying it I uninstalled ASCA. RSF has a detailed manual included and there are multiple options with in the program for personal preference.

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  8. The latest V5.4 update has provided the best performance I have experienced with any previous version of P3D, however the volumetric cloud option as is needed work. The best visuals I see are with EA on and use Rex Sky Force for the clouds. The primary disadvantage of going to V5 was losing some add on product compatibility. I think V4.5 was the sweet spot for add on compatible products as it was one of the primary flight sim's before the elephant in the room showed up. My current V5.4 shares the PC space with XP12. 

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  9. After installing the V5.4 update I have not had any issue as you describe with either A2A aircraft that I have, both have normal avionics operation after loading. You might try uninstalling one of them and then do a fresh install. A few years ago I had the same issue where the A2A Bonanza avionics would not turn on and a new installation fixed what ever was causing the issue.

  10. The only reason I would even consider V6 is because these guys have made Chaseplane and Active Sky available. If it means purchasing again so be it, every one has to make a living and the products in my view are worth it. PS - I not complaining about my Navigraph subscription either, if that keeps the developers in business and supporting the different sims then that is good for everyone.

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  11. V4.5 was the last version that had monthly updates available from the now gone FS Aerodata but he pulled the plug when V5 was released. Great having up to date Navigraph for charts and FMS but a sorry state to have to look at the P3D map for the an old ATIS and ILS frequency. At least I can use an up to date GPS approach to an outdated runway. I would have thought at a minimum LM would have updated the database for a new release but not to be. I will continue to use V5.4 for a few aircraft but that's the end of line. I finished my career as a instructor and there is no way we would have trained with outdated information for clients in the simulators. It was common to get a request for training at specific airports and runways.

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  12. I purchased XP12 last month and very pleased with it. I installed Auto Ortho last night and that takes care of the bland default land textures and the ortho streaming runs well on my mid range PC. Night lighting and reflections on a wet ramp look outstanding in the rain, very realistic. Even the default aircraft are close enough to keep it entertaining. No regrets at all purchasing XP12, I had planned on upgrading to P3D V6 but the better choice was XP. Looked at 2020 but I was turned off to it, just couldn't get by the you need this kind of account, that kind of pass just to make a simple purchase, and I could care less about more endless products and services from MS. Microsoft impressed me back in the day when I went from DOS to Win 3.1 but those days are long gone.

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  13. 3 hours ago, cyyzrwy24 said:

    Since we are going to continue, majority with V5, what is the best way to install 5.4....? Is it still clean installation? Uninstall everything and than fresh install?

    I updated by just uninstalling the previous 5.3 client and installing the new 5.4 version, no issues what so ever since the update. If you are willing to start from scratch anyway you might as well try the LM recommended method first by just updating with the new client. It can't hurt.

  14. 4 minutes ago, chapstick said:

    That language might be old from when they were supporting P3D and were guaranteed to update.

    That may very well be true but if you need it for only in cockpit camera views it is business as usual for me in V5.4

  15. My predefined in cockpit camera views work just as before in V5.4. When ChasePlane loads a message appears stating Smooth Zoom and Static Cameras are disabled and they are working on a compatibility fix. It's been like what, three days since LM dumps the update?  I will cut ChasePlane some slack on this one.


  16. Still using my V5.3 but most likely would wait for a subsequent V6.x based on past experience. I am sure within 24 hours the inevitable early bird YouTube review will be out. One area I would like to see LM address is an periodic update of the nav and airport data similar to what FSAerodata provided in the pre V5 versions. I would pay for that service, nothing worse than having a current chart subscription in a sim using an old database.

  17. Having purchased P3D V3, V4 and V5 at $200 for each release none have frankly been worth it for what you get out of the box. I have spent a lot of additional dollars for ORBX, PMDG, Active Sky, etc. along with numerous other airport addons to improve the P3D visual experience. I picked up XP11 for a change of pace and at $59 it was worth it even in the plain vanilla format. If P3D V6 were to be released tomorrow it would have to be a completely new evolutional experience and not just another patch of the existing platform to justify another $200 purchase price.

    LM does not need the civilian consumer market going forward and that is good in the fact other developers such as DCS World, X-Plane and MSFS have the opportunity to develop new products with new ideas and thrive in the consumer marketplace. I appreciate the fact LM improved on the old Flight Simulator product and have countless hours on it with no regrets.

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