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  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH, IT WORKED. I was getting to the point where i was going to uninstall FTX England
  2. Everything is below FTX, i can move it above now and see what happens. Thanks
  3. Hello everyone, I recently installed FTX England and i have noticed that UK2000 airports are merging with default. I checked online to find a solution and i found out that deleting, ADE_FTX_ENG_EGCC.BGL and FTX_ENG_EGCC_objects.bgl from the ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_ENG_05_SCENERY\scenery Should fix it, however for EGKK i was still left with 2 control towers but jetways and terminal buildings were gone, i did the same for Heathrow but nothing changed and GSX wouldn't work because I removed the ADE file for EGLL as seen above. I haven't tried for other UK2000 airports. Help would be very much appreciated. Thanks
  4. I have the older version of Airbus x Fs2crew manually installed into V3 and i just wanted to know if the latest Fs2crew does not cause a conflict between Vpilot and P3D because when i have Fs2crew activated as soon as i open vpilot i get a CTD in both Vpilot and P3d thanks
  5. Anyone else have the same problem?
  6. My Vpilot was working last week and now it keeps on crashing the sim, looks like i have to wait for an update :(
  7. I started getting this CTD after installing Immersion for the airbus x, so uninstalled it as well as reinstalling vpilot...still no luck. I also tried a new CFG but that didn't work. Any advice would be great
  8. Ok lets start off with the problem, 70-86% VAS when loaded up into a payware airport with the NGX, PMDG 777 and Airbus x...by the time i reach TOD i HAVE TO SAVE AND RESTART , i have all my addons textures at the lowest RES for eg airports and cloud textures...i use orbx global...texture max load is 1024....my scenery settings are what ORBX global recommends which is isnt maxed out and LOD radius at Medium, also i only have VC shadows and Aircraft shadows enabled. Specs - GTX 750ti 2gb, 8gb ram, i7 4790k....i use the Fiber frame time fractioning tweak at 0.01 and optomize parts My VAS loads are so bad one time i had to save and restart the sim TWICE whilst doing OMDB - EGLL with the t7 using Flytampa and Uk2000....i then OOM'd when i taxied out :( helps please...i am sure that "something" is causing high loads because this is unbelievabley awful, THANKS
  9. hi guys, i have REX 4 clouds already installed but i dont want to use them anymore because my GPU cant handle them even on the lowest res as my MSAA is at 4x which is the real killer. I tried to restore P3D default textures using REX 4 restore feature...but nothing happend, so i tried running it as admin then clicking restore again but nothing happened again. Is there another way of restoring clouds? Would reinstalling REX 4 help?
  10. Thanks guys, will try 0.10 0.20 and 0.16
  11. Hi guys, I currently have Fiber frame time fractioning tweak on 0.01 and it gives me the best possible fps but causes me to have high gpu loads and textures loading very slowly, and so i tried removing it but that gave me crap fps and stutters while flying through clouds. So what value do you guys use? I am not sure what value to choose between 0.01 and 0.33, what values do you guys recommend i try? Thanks
  12. Wait so i extract to the P3D.exe?????
  13. So i install it into program (x86) -> Lockheed martin -> Prepared?
  14. i am really confused in where you install p3d hotfixes, could someone help me out. Thanks Maybe have a screenshot of where i need to install it....would be much appreciated
  15. wouldn't it be very usefull if LM created an easy way of auto-save to avoid OOM's? For example the user gets a message saying that they are close to getting an OOM and the user can have an option to close the message or click save....now the saving part is important because everything needs to be reloaded they way it was before so addon developers need to update their aircraft so everything loads correctly (AEROSOFT have managed to do this with their A/C), after the flight is auto-saved the sim restarts....then prompts the user on wether they want to open the scenario menu or resume the flight, if the flight is resumed everything is loaded just like it is left. When i mean easy i mean easy....quick and works perfectly
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