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Everything posted by jomuehl83

  1. Thx a lot to you all! The problem was the default flight with flightplan Greetings, Jo
  2. Thx for the fast answer but i have the problem, that the radio messages, i.e. the take-off clearance of the last flights or the instructions from where i have to start an which ways on the airport i have to take, are always written in the atc window... I just want to have an empty atc window when i start without the whole messages of the flights before. Hope you can help me ) Thanks, Jo
  3. Hello everybody! I have following problem. The messages of the Pilot and the Air Traffic Control (ATC) are always in that box, even if i start a new flight. How can i reset this box to get a clean atc without messages? I´m looking forward if anybody could help! Thx, Jo
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