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About alexzar14

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  1. That flight I flew with no star entry till the T/D, so I don't know what helped more, the trick with the star or easing down on display settings. Can't experiment with this forever because I have a lot of stuff to do... I'm struggling with IXEG 737 v1.7, every version fixes 1 bug and adds 3 new ones... and for my next overnight flight I want to fly the a2a Strat to Honolulu.
  2. Ok, KATL (imaginesim) to EGLL (Asoft) with AS16 cloud layers set to 3, arrived with 1050mb on approach and 950mb at the gate, which is super awesome, it shocked me!! Started with 1350MB at KATL, and then it stood at 1150mb entire flight. I gave up on some crucial settings. From: SCENERY COMPLEXITY - VERY DENSE AUTOGEN VEGI DENSITY - DENSE AUTOGEN BLDG DENCITY - DENSE I went down to: SCENERY COMPLEXITY - DENSE AUTOGEN VEGI DENCITY - NORMAL AUTOGEN BLDG DENSITY - NORMAL These don't effect fps rate performance but seems to effect VAS a lot. Well, I let it go, nuff with the ever going race to improve the look, pushing pushing and pushing... From now on it's just flying the plane - something I learned in XPlane. With FSLabs Concorde I set the settings way down still, and the only time when you have time to look outside the window is in cruise mode at 60000ft anyway ))) Bye-bye high scenery display settings. Maybe will restore the scenery complexity back to Dense (so NYC MHTN doesn't look like a farm land) but autogens will leave at Normal. Also, will go back to rock-solid 3.2, 3.35 is too VASy.
  3. I use dome light only at the gate, and even then I use it rarely, as I normally use the panel dimmer lighting and use it to 40% brightness max. The flights I restarted were conducted at day light, didn't have to use any cockpit lights. Don't worry, you have plenty time to save, by the time it is released you'll save enough to buy 5 "queens" ))) As for 777 bugs fixed, indeed wouldn't hurt to have it fixed. With projects-in-development are in development for decade-long periods, suspending support for existing (sold) products is not a good idea.
  4. From now on I will do it enroute starting with 777 and see if I get better VAS. I'll owe you a beer if I won't have to restart my next 777 flight when in flight! ))) Meanwhile the 777s are on hold, we have to catch on to some other 5-graded stuff - DC6, An-24, and A2A B17 are in priority now.
  5. ok I see, done via gps and adf radios ))) It's good, this plane and the way it's made is...really somethin.
  6. I enter approaches at the start, there have been unpleasant experiences when entering approach inflight results in CDU failing to calculate VNAV properly (mostly true for XPlane, so I took into habit to enter STARs at the start).
  7. I can't operate non of these radios, they seem to be "fake". The manuals look over the van instruments, but I could not find any sections on the radios themselves, and the users' videos on youtube are little informative. If there are good tutorial videos (including checklists) please suggest.
  8. I always wanted to ask, what is this and why is it coming up? Massive manual... can't find it. 3 messages appear on eicas display followed by loud warning noises. Messages and warning removed by rotating the map scale knob on efis control panel. Also, is there a way to define Cold and Dark items? Lot's of overhead functions are enabled upon C&D (selected via CDU), I would like to be able to press few more buttons on start up ))
  9. It works so far, but the VAS usage increased in 3.3.5 - effected PMDG planes only. NGX flights still have VAS reserve at the end but the 777 is.... disaster. Having to restart 2 times to complete a flight. Haven't tried iFly 747, if that performs as it was in 3.2, then the problem confirms to PMDG.
  10. I did 2 flights in 3.3.5, both flights had to save and restart. KDFW-EGLL, restarted once. LTBA-KJFK restarted twice (cautht it just in time before crush). Sceneries are FSDT/T2G/Asoft 737 NGX has been effected by 3.3.5 too, although a little bit. With 777, the VAS is decreasing badly in cruise flight which was not the case with 3.2 where VAS usage was steady, I could circle the globe 20 times and the VAS could stay more or less the same, dropping only at lower altitudes on approaches. In 3.2 I could land at EGLL with 650 MB remaining (done many times, never under 600 MB at the end). P3D settings were kept as they were with 3.2. Update to 3.3.5 was done via client and content reinstalls. Windows 10, 4790k, GTX 970.
  11. ok, this time it worked, although I went back to 3.3.5, that may have fixed it. Also with two previous flights I manually inputted the route inputting airways, and today I imported the Routefinder plan straight (sids stars transitions added afterwards). Next time I'll have to try inputting the route manually again and see if that works too.
  12. I use CH yoke, pedals and throttle, I'm not saving on my hobbies and good time ; )
  13. Yes, I do retrim downwards after takeoff, as I accelerate the takeoff trim is too much and needs to be trimmed down (especially on MD-80 both Coolsky and Rotate for XP need a lot of retrimming work in manual flight), that we understand.
  14. I set trim per value calculated by CDU, usually it needs a lot of trim but within green sector. Take off and manual climbs are nice and smooth. But I will paly with trim per suggestion if the AP doesn't engage. Yesterday I flew a 777 and it did ok. Tonight will fly the NGX.
  15. I did cycle the FD, I tried engaging AP with LNAV/VNAV - on, off, and with VS/HDG modes on, it did not engage until high altitudes. Will try a third flight, if the AP doesn't engage on 3rd flight I think I will have to reinstall. 2 years flying this plane with no problems, well understanding the AP, CDU functions, FD bars etc. Tonight will fly a 777 for the first time since I went back to 3.2 and see how that one does, may be the same thing...
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