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  1. Reolution is 1920x1200 and my specs are as follows: Intel core I5-4460,GTX 980TI, 8gb ram
  2. I've been driving myself crazy over blurry textures and can't stop researching the problem. Do these screenshots look normal? https://gyazo.com/9f278db5f4d9eea39218a7165b567f62https://gyazo.com/63a2c9621b2caf9ef68017cc51a792fd Here is my CFG if this helps at all - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwsMusnpu3r6WWZ6R1k3QTNQazQ/view?usp=sharing Ingame settings - https://gyazo.com/d8cd861fe7a2f0ec21ff46b30aa7b1ebhttps://gyazo.com/dcf7b2fdae1ed46c32220788a6bcdcaf I really really really do appreciate any help given on this topic as it has been a very frustrating task and am ready to once and for all conquer this.
  3. I'm using 8x MSAA along with 8x Sparse Grid SuperSampling Specs - I5-4460, 980ti, 8gb ram
  4. My LOD is on max and I'm still getting textures like this - https://gyazo.com/865a7746ca8f2c245e75ec54f4356d91 https://gyazo.com/32eb0d3be773e0e644be6a0f217ef0a0 These are all very close to the plane and I've tried many things to solve them and it's becoming a cumbersome task to deal with. Any idea why they look like this? Thanks, Noah
  5. So I have this problem where the taskbar for Windows is always visible and the only way to make it now show is to have the option "Black out desktop" on but this blacks out my second monitor which I use for Skype and other things when flying. I also don't want to auto hide the taskbar as I still like it to be visible on my second monitor. Is there a way to have P3D run in fullscreen without the taskbar showing and my second monitor still be visible? Thanks, Noah
  6. Just help. Please. Somebody. It's unbearable - https://gyazo.com/f7148f6b6dc05d1ba29b3fcc10264eb8 980TI i5-4460 8gb ram, New CFG with no tweaks, have tried lowering settings
  7. Just help. Please. Somebody. It's unbearable - https://gyazo.com/f7148f6b6dc05d1ba29b3fcc10264eb8 P3D v2.5, 980TI i5-4460 8gb ram, New cfg with no tweaks, have tried lowering settings
  8. I currently have FTX Global, UTX, and a few airports. I'm just looking for maybe some good regions for North America since that's where I primarily fly or maybe some airports.
  9. I currently have FTX Global, UTX, and a few airports. I'm just looking for maybe some good regions for North America since that's where I primarily fly or maybe some airports.
  10. Which is the best option? Specs - GTX 980TI, i5-4460, 8gb ram
  11. Which is the best option? Specs - GTX 980TI, i5-4460, 8gb ram
  12. GTX 980ti, I5-4460, 8gb ram
  13. So textures look fine and clear for me when they are close like less than 2 miles away but as soon as that threshold breaks there is an immediate loss in quality with the textures. Any texture tile that is more than 2 miles away looks very blurry and it's getting very annoying. Is there a way to fix this or do I have to deal with it? Here is a link showing the problem - https://gyazo.com/158762f6591424c5941357d681fd5109 I am currently running P3D V2.5 Also tried tweaks like FiberFrameTimeFraction and Texture Max Load and Affinity mask and none have worked so I have gone back to default cfg. ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!!! Also using FTX Global with UTX
  14. When I go to my outside view and then go back to my Virtual Cockpit my ground textures instantly become blobs of green or whatever color the ground is. I just noticed this is happening and is there a fix for this?
  15. Can only one person control the plane? My friend was "slave" and he couldn't input any rudder or joystick. He could only control switches and the MCDU. Is it supposed to be like this or is it a glitch? I was the only one who could input rudder and joystick.
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