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  1. Just a question. Is Prepar3d GPU or CPU based? Thanks.
  2. In prepar3d, is the r9 380 4gb or the GTX 960 4gb better. Thanks.
  3. I was planing to upgrade to windows 10 for free anyway.
  4. Thanks to both of you. My budget is around $850, but I can be a little flexible. Also, I may overclock my computer.
  5. Also, does anyone have any idea for a motherboard with a Z170 chip.
  6. Hello, This will be my first build, and I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on this build. Here is a link: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/TcH8WZ How many FPS do you think I will get in prepar3d with a PMDG aircraft. Thank you.
  7. Do you have any idea when the A380 will come out?
  8. Ok. Do you have any idea when that is supposed to come out?
  9. I forget exactly which one I have, but is has about 1gb DDR3 of vram. I am planing to build a new computer in the near future, as this computer is not great quality (and a few years old), so it isn't worth upgrading.
  10. I would like to purchase a long range Airbus (A330, A340, A350, A380), but I am not sure which add-on to purchase. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks.
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