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Everything posted by sem

  1. It says that for p3dv4 i need to activate it manually, and that there is a manual.pdf but the pdf doesnt work, it wont open, so how do i manually add scenery? (no longer needed figured it out myself)
  2. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/370939961215680513/526044385268334612/unknown.png why is this happening? Aerosoft finkerwerer P3D4.2 Orbx global, vecor and opencl europe please help
  3. Well the title says it all, is it compatible?
  4. ''Finally, do you really think TrueSky is on par with AS16 & SF commination?'', can you elaborate?
  5. Prepar3dV4.4 seemed like an update just tying up loose ends. this forum posts had some slight proof that v5 may come soon, wich gives me hope that Truesky will maybe be in V5 I mean, who wouldn't want this, i guess yeah AS and Rex would only work in V4 but still, this is way better than wierd laggy overcast and stretched textures right?
  6. Are there any contrail addons (freeware maybe?) for p3dv4? even if the default ones look better then x-plane i still want to know if there are any addons that replace the default contrails in p3dv4?
  7. is there a way to convert my CLS /Just flight dc-10 Hd collection to prepar3d v4?
  8. i've got all the folderd deleted, im trying to uninstall it with the controll panel but it says 'an account for this has already been created' roughly translated, can you guys please help me because i cant install another copy of it, then it says that another copy has been installed
  9. Thanks, ill try my best
  10. Is there any way i can add new aircraft? UTLive doesnt seem to have the new american 737 livery or the new jet blue ones
  11. Is there a way i can remove certain aircraft from UTLive? for example: there are still fokker 70's flying around at EHAM wich have long been out of service. and most of the aircraft still have their old liveries is there any way i can maybe replace those models with other ones or remove them all together? My sim is P3DV4 btw
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