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Posts posted by cchiozza

  1. 7 hours ago, The Seawolf said:

    You can do quite a bit to improve sharpness but it happens on the final image in the frame buffer, so there are limits.

    You can also sharpen the textures before they get into the sim. Here as an example my current work on the Rotate MD-80 (not everything has been touched yet but it shows improvement). If you want more tips how I improve sharpness send me a PM, some of the things I do are quite radical and I don't want to get into flame wars with the "it's your computer" faction


    That looks incredible to me. Thank you I will pm you. 

  2. Running the latest on a 55 inch with GTX3080 and when I zoom out in the cockpit to get the right perspective the flight instruments get blurry on the default 737 and others. Just wondering what is causing this? If you zoom in they are clear.

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  3. I am sure this will start a fire storm but I am just curious why is that BS Duke ground behaves like a real aircraft and others do not? Yes I have time in a similar aircraft 421B and some of the others struggle to make it useable? I love the way the Duke taxi's down to the alt throttle characteristics. It tracks as expected and does not overcorrect if you look down at the peddles. 

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  4. 9 hours ago, timest said:

    The live weather provided by REX is not predetermined in any way, or preset-based. It's continually evolving based on real-time processes.

    Glad you clarified the preset question because it made no sense to me but I have never developed anything for MSFS but it seemed incorrect. 

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  5. 19 hours ago, Alti said:

    Hello, for ME ASFS is the winner,

    because the change from one weather area to the next can be displayed more smoothly. Furthermore, I had stutters during weather changes in REX. I don't see any of this with AS.
    second is i can use MSFS Weather depiction with Turb in AS.

    Are there ANY multi layer clouds. All I have seen has been one level. Would love to hear if you have. That the reason why I did not purchase.

  6. 21 hours ago, GEKtheReaper said:

    @cchiozza you got it wrong. Let me ask you something: In your flight from A to B did you use webcams in the sky to check if the reported weather is actualy drawn? <- this is a bit sarcastic.

    Do you understand what weather presets are? E.g. you go in MSFS and pic a weather setting e.g. Clear Sky. Looking all around you you will see that preset. If you want to change it you will have to go again in the weather tab and take the storm preset....ergo...anything around you is going to be stormy.

    This is exactly what todays WX generating APP (REX and AS) are doing automaticaly for you. They do not have just 6 presets but extremely many and they apply a preset that best matches the METAR were you are BUT IT DOES IT EVERYWHERE around you! If you are on an airport with clear skys and as I said earlyer 50 miles away there is another airport reporting inbound storms, you will initially see nothing on the horizont taking of from your clear sky airport. Getting closer to the "stormy condition" airport, a transition of weather themes will occure but it will change anything around you into that METAR preset.

    So if you just fly from A to B you will probably enjoy your flight and see some nice WX around you. You like it, enjoy it!

    MSFS uses a GLOBAL weather model. So basicaly they know every weather station (meteo blue) around the planet. They create a global "world wide" weather and in such a case you will probably see the storm clouds already in the distance. Because the model a global based weather, there are cases where the drawn WX differs (more or less) from the local METAR report. I currently want this GLOBAL representation instead the local representation.

    Above explanation is a raw representation of the current state until MSFS opens up the API (if ever).

    Just another example: I live in germany S near lake Constance. Near me is EDNY airport. Over the lake you will find the Swiss Alps (mountains) and a small aiport LSZR. You have pretty frequent clouds in the Swiss Alps region and clear skies on the opposite site of the lake. You show me how METAR based WX draws that in MSFS.

    Understand your presets comments but that is not what I am talking about. MSFS weather metar may "use" it as you say but the depiction is marginal at best. For instance flying near a moving from with thunderstorms in it rarely show multi layer clouds or even thunderstorms for that matter. REX does very nicely. May that's has been the focus of my testing. I fly mainly in the US so this might be the disconnect. Ill will try your area for fun. But this while Mateo blue weather has never been what it was touted for sure. 

  7. 17 hours ago, virtualstuff said:

    Couldn't agree more 3d party WX apps are useless here local when the WX API isn't accessible to them...

    When was your last flight with REX from A to B through weather? What was specifically the issue. I continue to have good luck and I am wondering why?

  8. 2 hours ago, motishow said:

    absolutely rex is the winner

    Active sky is a joke, don't wsaste your money

    When using REX sometimes I do a double take at the rendering especially when descending through the clouds. It just seems to be more Congested and alive weather. Very hard to explain.

  9. 12 minutes ago, rstough said:

    We have been working hard to reduce the FPS hit and with our latest Public Beta Technical Update 7.0 - we have received a lot of good feedback. In addition, we have added 5 years of historic weather data.

    Is the beta available to opt in?

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