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Everything posted by hansdoreleyers

  1. It turned out that it was the virtual joystick. In fact there were two. I never use them so I blacklisted them as you suggested. There are no profiles attached to them in MSFS and I would delete them if I could. In any event, all is working. Thanks for your help.
  2. I believe I have found my issue. When I click add, in the Assigned button/key field there is a default selection (POV<>0 DIR<>0) When I click the exclamation mark next to it, it increments to POV<1> etc. If I keep clicking until the field is blank and then rotate/click on the x-touch, the event registers properly. I think this field should be blank by default. This issue is not described in the manual, and it is pure luck I stumbled on this.
  3. Thank you for your response. Yes, you were right, I was expecting to select the x touch from the drop-down. I now tried it your way: click on the green button, rotate one of the knobs - nothing. I then tried selecting a plane event before rotating the knob. Nothing. Under hardware, enable midi devices is checked. Under show Midi devices the x touch is listed both under in (id 1) and midi out (id 3) Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.
  4. Hello, I have the licensed version of Axis and Ohs and am trying to make it work with X Touch Mini. I am unable to assign any of the buttons or rotary dials in Axis and Ohs when setting up new buttons. Under Hardware, Show midi devices, I do see the X Touch mini listed (see image attached). But when I try to assign a new button, I cannot assign any events to the mini. I also do not see it listed under the listed devices (see image attached). Sorry, I do not see any way to attach images. I have a jpg, not a url.
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