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  1. I feel like such an idiot.. sending it now with one space.. hopefully it will work Yay I got it, thanks ohsirus! Damnit, got another problem.. when loading a flight plan I get this: http://prntscr.com/b2xuna I've tried running as admin
  2. I sent my key request about 26 hours ago, and then read through some other threads and sent another one using plain text mode about 3/4 hours after that, and still haven't received any keys. This is the format I used (Obviously replacing firstname and lastname with my name): -20686670 ! FIRSTNAME ! LASTNAME First time customer, purchased it a few hours before sending in the key request.. I saw that some people emailed jd@jdtllc.com about this, so I did, but still many hours later I haven't heard anything.. really wouldn't like to see 40GBP go to waste :(
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