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Everything posted by rofler

  1. Hey Mike, let me answer some of your questions from the "User perspective". No problem there but I dont hear the FO say a single word about anything he is doing - is that right ? I wonder if I am missing something with the intercom/radio settings ? In relation to checklists. I can bring them up in the Main Panel, scroll through with the down arrows but I hear nothing from the FO. - You do not have to scroll through them. You have to "call" the checklist you wish to execute (e.g. Before Start Checklist) the FO calls the items on the checklist and depending on the responsibility, either he checks the items ("checked", "Set", "Tested 100%", etc.) or you have to check them. So, you have to tell the FO that you want to go through a checklist and he will start reading the items. There is no need to click the down buttom on the main panel, just press the Main Button on the Checklist (e.g. Before Start, Cockpit Preparation, etc.). I hope this helped, Sergej
  2. Bryan, Indeed it was the settings inside P3D... I am sorry that I did not see this in the manual. Still, FS2Crew is just an amazing addon. If not the best addon, I have running (and I run A LOT) Keep up the great work and I am looking forward to some great years with you! Regards, Sergej
  3. Bryian, Once again - Thank you for your support! Yesterday I checked my Sim config and the measurements where indeed in Meters/Millibar instead of Hybrid. I assume that this will also solve my problem stated. Thanks agian, Sergej
  4. Hi Bryan, Thanks again for your reply! I will look up my Sim settings and will try to make a video on the weekend. Thanks again for your great support and the awesome add-on! Sergej
  5. Hi Bryan, Thank you for your reply. I think I was not very clear in my explanation. Sorry for that. I will try to do a step-by-step expl. of my situation: 1. Plan flight with PFPX + TOPCAT for the 772 2. Load default A/C in P3D V3 3. Switch to PMDG 777 4. Do all the preparation work together with the FO (PF) 5. Depart from the gate, take off and climb 6. During climb, I set the QNH to STD at the required FL 7. At 10000f the FO is supposed to turn off the lights (excluding the nose landing light as per my configuration) (8.). As I want it to be a bit more "real" I am switching off the lights. 8. Anywhere between FL10 and cruising alt (but mostly about 2000 to 1000 feet below cruising alt), the FO shuts down the lights (or on, depending on step (8.)). As far as I understand there is a config issue that the FO thinks that the lights should go off at cruising alt. Maybe I can upload a video anytime soon to make it more "visible" for you. Once again, thank you for your help! Cheers, Sergej
  6. Dear all, first of all I would like to give you some background information about the system and programs used: P3D V3 PMDG 777 latest update FS2Crew for PMDG 777 latest update ASN FSCaptain Problem: I selected in the CFG page to switch off Landing Lights at 10k. Unfortunately, my FO does not "assist" me in this matter. So, I checked the manuals for both the 737NGX and the 777, read some topics about this issue and sometimes I found that the PIC has to operate the Ldg Lights manually. So I did it but as I am about 1000 feet below cruising altitude, the FO announces that we reach 10k and turns on the Landing lights again... I tried to reinstall, without success. Could you please be so kind and give me some hints how to overcome this issue? Thanks in advance, Sergej
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