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  1. betty

    VNAV descent B738

    thank you for your help i finally understand the two modes of descent. But, actually i don't understand why the pilot, during VNAV descent and approach path, must 1/change to idle thrust 2/retract speedbrakes 3/descent wind speed decreasing with decreasing altitude 4/applicable target speed (even in descent path mode) are all those elements are used to compensate each other? i mean : reduce speed and at the same time keep a significant lift. regards
  2. betty

    VNAV descent B738

    thank you for your help.
  3. betty

    VNAV descent B738

    i don't understand the definition of : path descent and speed descent. i know what does mean path , but i don't understand the maneuvers : During a path descent , the FMC uses idle thrust and pitch control to maintain a vertical path During a speed descent, the FMC uses idle thrust and pitch control to maintain a target descent speed, similar to a level change descent.
  4. can anyone please explain to me this paragraph : Descent VNAV can perform a descent in either of two modes- path descent or speed descent. During a path descent , the FMC uses idle thrust and pitch control to maintain a vertical path, similar to a glideslope in three dimensions. During a speed descent, the FMC uses idle thrust and pitch control to maintain a target descent speed, similar to a level change descent. thank you for your help.
  5. if the criteria of an autoland are fulfilled, and the landing is performed with one engine inoperative. Is it possible to do an autoland? -FAIL PASSIVE -
  6. hello everyone, is it true that companies prohibit there pilots to desengage autopilots during landing? in ILS approach -FAIL Passive the landing is performing with dual autopilots until DH , the first autopilot is disengaged and the second while the touchdown. i'm confused . regards
  7. but i noticed that when performance allows the landing is performing with flaps 30 : QRH text : Landing using flaps 30 (if performance allows): Use flaps 30 and VREF 30 for landing and flaps 15 for go-around. Go to step 4 Landing using flaps 15: Go to step 2 and the step 4 is : 4 Use engine anti-ice on the operating engine only. And based on what you said, using engine anti-ice will be performing only by using Vref ICE 30. when using Vref 30 and the conditions are normal, there is no need to go to the step 4. m i right ? regards
  8. thank you for your answer , but i still have confusion between Vref 15 and Vref ICE .what is Vref ice ? what is the difference ?
  9. hello , could you please explain to me the second step ? One Engine Inoperative Landing <> 1- Plan a flaps 15 landing. 2- Set VREF 15 or VREF ICE. If any of the following conditions apply, set VREF ICE = VREF 15 + 10 knots: Engine anti–ice will be used during landing Wing anti–ice has been used any time during the flight Icing conditions were encountered during the flight and the landing temperature is below 10° C. 3- Maintain VREF 15 + 5 knots or VREF ICE + 5 knots minimum on final approach to assure sufficient maneuver margin and speed for go-around. 4- Use engine anti-ice on the operating engine only. regards
  10. thank you , i have another question : concerning the QRH of B737-800 , what is Vref ICE . Is there any difference between Vref or Vref ICE. for example : 1 Plan a flaps 15 landing. 2 Set VREF 15 or VREF ICE. If any of the following conditions apply, set VREF ICE = VREF 15 + 10 knots: Engine anti–ice will be used during landing Wing anti–ice has been used any time during the flight
  11. hello everyone could you help me please to understand well the ILS-GLS Approach - FAIL PASSIVE. i don't understand what is "LOCALIZER Capture" and "Alive". is this procedure used only when the aircraft land with one inoperative engine (B737-800)
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