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  1. Servus aus Graz, what an ispired solution: between computed V1 and VR speed in takeoff-page should be minimum 20kts- enough to hear V1 callout from iFly commander and VR callout from Fs2crew.To closely speed-difference is causing, that only FS2Crew FO speech (VR) is reporting.
  2. Good morning from Graz, thanks very much for your response- but I thought, V1 callouts of iFly 737 are to be setting in the config.manager- where to entering in the FMC?- To you mean the config panel of FS2Crew?- by using PMDG 737 yes, there I can configure the callouts by FMC and FO calls in FS2Crew are working very well: V1, 80 ktns, rotate and so on.But iFly and FS2Crew seems to be not the same software architecture.
  3. Good evening aus Graz, I realised, that iFly 737 NG System only calls out V1 at takeoff modus-Not 80 kts or Rotate, because Officer callouts are not simulated- as described in pilots manual/tutorial. Never mind, because now I am using FS2Crew and my copilot says : 80 kts, Rotate,and also gear up- But the question ist: The callout V1 simulated by iFly seems to be disappeared. Why? Proposal for solution are kindly requested. Thanks and greatings willi
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