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Corey Langford

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About Corey Langford

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    Corey Langford

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  1. Great, thanks Mark I'll give it a go. Which image output do you use(bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff or greenshot)?
  2. Hello all, I've seen some FSX screenshots floating around and they have all been really nice screenshots (nice graphics, nice scenery and high resolution) (Examples: http://cdn.flyaoamedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/pmdg-777-SFO-3.jpg http://cdn.flyaoamedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/pmdg-777-Dubai-29.jpg) and was wondering if anyone could inform me on what they use. I have tried both the inbuilt screenshots inside FSX and free version of Fraps (can't get full version because of online credit card restrictions) so am restricted to BMP on that account. Could someone please give me a hand on this topic by recommending a application that is free or ($20 NZD or less) and will take high resolution screenshots or recommend some setting changes. Thanks in advance, Corey
  3. Robin, Yeah your right, I would love FSUIPC and if I had the means to buy it I would already have it, it's just I do not own nor have access to a credit card as I'm 15 and at home (mine can't be used online ;( RIP). Other wise I probably would have had it for months. Thanks anyway, Corey
  4. Fixed it!! Awesome, thanks guys for seeing this post and replying to it, the post has like 52 views but only you two replyed so thank you! It was a calibration issue and I managed to fix it inside FSX, under settings conrols then on the calibration page click calibrate and go from there (for anyone else with the same issue looking at this post in the future) Thanks again, Corey Sorry to litter this with my posts but I also had a problem with my joystick throttle where it would be all the way back but the throttle/throttles in FSX would not go below about 30% N1 and that was fixed aswell so thanks heaps :-)
  5. Tried neither because it is a joystick that doesn't come with calibration software (its a Saitek Cyborg Evo) and don't have full version of FSUIPC. I'll have a look for FSX's own callibration. Thanks
  6. Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with my joystick in FSX (not steam) where my aircrafts VC yoke/joystick is stuck as far right as it will go even thought my joystick is centered. Anyone had the same issue or know how to fix? Please reply to this post the issue is really starting to annoy me and I would love for one of you to be able to fix it! Thanks, Corey
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