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Everything posted by mogwai

  1. Hi Alex. From memory, I thought I had created a VFR flight plan and saved but perhaps I ended up not using it. I can confirm I saw the flight plan yellow planned flight path in the "top down" view. I'll double check once I get home and thank you for the link. I wondered if I deselected "show vertical track"? Hmmm...I'll check that too. Sorry, I'm at work at the moment but will give it a another shot tonight. Flight trails are stored in the logbook, so I should be able to load it, I think?
  2. Heard great things about the Crystal. I'm still rocking my Aero though and massively satisfied...though if I were to upgrade the Crystal seems to be a good choice.
  3. First an apology if I have missed this somewhere either in the forums or in the manual. I'm certain I'm overlooking something that is probably simple, but am stumped (though I may be blind as well) Last night I did a short VFR flight from KAST to a grass strip by Mount St Helens. As this is my first time back in flight sim in a year I was modifying aircraft performance but also used LNM to create the flight plan. As I fly in VR, I checked in periodically and saw that LNM was creating a flight trail for my plan progress for the flight path itself but not for my elevation. I continued flying and when I was done, I looked at the settings which seemed logical but had them selected. While it's not that big of a deal, it's naturally nice to see how well (or more often how badly) I can track the vertical flight path as well. Would someone point me in the right direction as to what I may have missed. Thanks again for a great piece of software. It reminds me of the "old internet" where people made great, detailed, complex, and useful programs without hiding behind subscription based pay models. I'm sure a ton of work goes into LNM so hats off.
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