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Everything posted by Busmar

  1. I love to read this! I live currently at an island in Norway, with no fiber or anything and normal satelite network just sucks... Im getting Starlink soon, so seeing that others use it for exactly what Im going to use it for is excellent! I was in range of a 4G transmitter, but that also was bad, going for 50mpbs at some points, but mostly less than 5mpbs during peak times, and some struggle due to terrain between the antenna and the transmitter...
  2. Very good! Will revert back to EnvShade then. Any recommended settings? For me, as long as the clouds are not visible like a star in the night, I am fine 🙂 But any other adjustments that is recommended for a better, and more realistic feeling?
  3. Do you also mind telling me what setting that is under? 🙂
  4. Should start using those pictures of glossy ground, and make promos with "are you tired of looking at glass grass? We have the solution for you.." 🙂
  5. For anyone still having issues, I HAVE found a fix. Get RDshade from here: https://www.rdpresets.com/rdshade.html I tweaked and got some help, and found this setting here: https://gyazo.com/4b2a45162e225a936c44350e7a26e0e4 I then take the numbers all the way down, apply it. This is before and after pictures: Before: https://gyazo.com/92c4e440d030537852a33a57aeb968d0 After: https://gyazo.com/a2d4a4b50dfaf407cd95fcef25f4499b Hope this can help anyone else struggling with this :)
  6. Hello! I know it is a LONG time since this post was active. I got this error now with P3D V5.2. Used the DLL fix and now it start to create scenery index at startup aswell. It didn't do that before this so I assume it is fixed! It is great to just search and find a fix that works straight away! Thank you :-).
  7. Good to get a reply from you! Appreciate it! :)
  8. i got it, for me it dont work, it just crashes my sim.... Like EZdok would been a good option to use when Chaseplane dont work....
  9. i dont think ezdok has this problem now :P Only chaseplane :)
  10. I know the feeling, but probably if you switch from Chaseplane to ex EZdok, you MAY ecounter the problem some of my friends have been with... EZdok is updated some versions, and sudenly... Problems after problems... I bought Chaseplane because EZdok not working as it should.... But now i get these problems too..... :O Totally understand what you are saying, feeling the same way :O
  11. my guess is that something is happening with their servers etc... So i would guess EVERY single chaseplane user out there will have this if they try to use it lol :P
  12. Got the same problem, got (ConnectionClosed) at first, then i tried to reinstall and got the same as you...
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