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  1. In your system Settings. Type Settings in the search box and follow the above from there.
  2. Suddenly today I am getting an App Can't Open message. I see others have had the same problem but I am not finding a solution. Any help appreciated. Thanks. Found the solution: Settings > Apps > Apps Features. Select Gaming Services, then click Advanced options. Click the repair button
  3. Ok, thanks. I'm not actually launching the app myself, it is starting on it's own during MSFS startup. I would guess there is an option to turn that off, I will go look. Thanks.
  4. I have the same issue and do not use Addon Linker. However, after MSFS finishes opening I am able to click OK on the error message and everything seems to work fine, so it seems PB Express is needing the program to finish opening before it can make a connection. But clicking OK to get rid of the error message will not work until MSFS is done opening.
  5. I upgraded my NVMe SSD from 500GB to 1TB by using an enclosure to clone the drive then installed the new drive. Everything looks and works exactly the same after installing the new SSD EXCEPT P3D will not run the first time I try to run it. It looks like it's starting then just vanishes. However it does start up on the second attempt and works completely normal after that. I always open Active Sky, REX Sky Force and REX Environment first and they all open without any issues. Any ideas? Thanks Bob Koehler i7-9700K @3.60GHz. 32GB RAM. RTX-2070 Super. Windows 10
  6. This happened again today. Any suggestions please? Thanks. Bob Koehler
  7. Hello. I've had the Honeycomb yoke and bravo throttle quadrant for about a year, great products. I fly the PMDG 737 NGXu in P3Dv4.5. During a recent normal landing I touched down and deployed the thrust reversers and pulled the throttles down below the detent for max reverse thrusters. I use FS2Crew and the FO called out "speed brake up, reversers normal" but the plane accelerated at full power. I have not changed any mappings or key assignments. A/T and A/P were turned off at 1,000 AGL. I took another flight and everything worked normal. Any thoughts? Thanks. Bob Koehler
  8. I currently run ASP4 with REX Sky Force 3D and REX Environment Force which as most people here know looks pretty good and works just fine. Can I expect to see any improvements if I upgrade to ASP3D and not run the REX products? PATCO LCH - is EA off a visual preference or for better performance and frame rates? Thanks. Bob Koehler
  9. Thanks bbuckley. This is over my head and I don't want to make matters worse. I consider my issue more of a nuisance than a problem. But I am curious....what makes the full version so great for P3D?
  10. Thanks ark. I do have Saitek software because I am able to use the desktop icon to open the programming interface. From there I can go to Mode 2 and assign a key combination including a modifier to a button on the yoke. In my example I set ALT+E in the UGCX .ini file which is my command in UGCX to switch to and cylcle through exterior views at the gate to button C1 (aileron trim in Mode 1). I then have to save it which I simply called it UGCX Test and it goes to folder Windows (C:)/Users/Public/Public Documents/Logitech/Flight Yoke System. But then after reboot I go to the programming interface and the keystroke assignment I set up under Mode 2 is gone. I located the file you mentioned above. Questions...1. Renaming it as you said will disable the file? 2. What is meant by "back it up at the same time"?. Sorry...reaching the limits of my computer capabilities. And 3....If this creates any issues how to I revert back to the way it is now? Your help is much appreciated, it's more a matter of principal at this point, I can use the keyboard commands for what I want to do.
  11. I have my yoke buttons and axis' programmed through P3D. I believe you are talking about a paid/full version of FSUIPC? I do not have that but if it's needed to fix this I'm happy to do so. I'm not overly knowledgeable about FSUIPC but I believe I have a "light" version that was part of another download......maybe EZDok? Thanks.
  12. I've ready everything I can and still do not find a good explanation. I'd like to program buttons on the yoke under Mode 2 to do things such as switch to external view for UGCX (such as Alt+E) and zoom in/out those views. I program, I quantize the time, I save but it just doesn't work. Something maybe with the mode switch not being recognized? Because if I program a switch that for example is a flap extension in Mode 1, it is still a flap extension in Mode 2.
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