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Ryan James Jarvis

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Everything posted by Ryan James Jarvis

  1. hi guys i need to find out why my p3d crashed well ( hanged) looked in the error log and got this Fault offset: 0x0000000000014008 Faulting process id: 0x56c Faulting application start time: 0x01d3b76b95c554f5 Faulting application path: D:\P3DV4\Prepar3D.exe Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll Report Id: d8d03dc7-38bc-44d2-ab63-68f9a4b61124 never had this error before. i have uninstalled a windows update to see if that does the trick. really angered me as i was on approach after 3 hours of flying. maybe it could be my scenery which was Napoli causing it? if u can could someone give me a idea as im not the best with this word not allowed. many thanks
  2. hi thanks for your comment, i will try this and get back to you.
  3. i am using p3d v4.1 i havent added anything to conflict it and for the flight controls i just use the settings in p3d menu, i use fsuipc too for the steering tillar but that messes up too.. im very confused
  4. i am using p3d v4.1 i havent added anything to conflict it and for the flight controls i just use the settings in p3d menu, i use fsuipc too for the steering tillar but that messes up too.. im very confused
  5. Hi i am looking for some help, i have been using the pmdg 737 for a while and all was okay until recently my aircraft wont fly correctly and when i climb out of a airport and engage Lnav, Vnav the plane just randomly nose dives or banks left/ right, this is way out of my control because i do not know when this incident will occur. also when this malfunction happens i get a CWS yellow message on the PFD and the Lnav disengages, this is a very frustrating thing to deal with as i fly for many virtual airlines. i have looked for a few solutions even uninstalling the pmdg 737 its self. at first i thought it was my yoke but i also tried to debunk this by flying with the mouse yoke and guess what? same thing happend. uncontrollable nose dive/ bank angle... i am beyond frustrated with this, could anyone give me a idea. thank you
  6. my 737 just nosedives out of the blue and i get the CWS yellow message on the pfd...
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