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About TheNerd

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  1. Wow. 100 bucks for a flight simulator addon? I realize that it's probably going to be super realistic, but I think I'm gonna wait for the price to drop or for a sale...
  2. Surprised nobody is speculating that this happened because the 747 is coming out soon :ph34r:
  3. Heh. I saw what I think was a Navajo flying down the Hudson the other day. And great screenshots btw! Your XP setup never ceases to amaze.
  4. Inside out. And round and round. :smile: Great pic btw!
  5. See, what I do for best performance in P3D is put the FPS limiter to unlimited. Keeping it on has such a big performance hit it isn't ideal IMO. I simply limit the sim to 30fps using Nvidia Inspector. No blurries while getting the consistently high performance of P3D when it's framerate limiter is at unlimited. Even on my potato computer, I can maintain 27-30fps even at big airports with bad weather generated by ASN.
  6. You did the right thing. When you're flying long-range and at high altitudes, you want most of your fuel to be in the wing tanks (L and R fuel tanks) or have it kinda evenly distributed. You don't want all the weight to be in the center. If you're nearing maximum load capacity when taking off, you may need to do a step climb... but that's a whole new topic.
  7. This is kinda intentional. In the daytime, the taxi and landing lights will be barely visible in real life (obviously because of the sun). PMDG develops their aircraft to reflect this, unlike most other flight sim developers that just "project" a light texture in front of the aircraft.
  8. Are you sure your view is parallel to the HUD? Don't forget that it moves with your perspective, if that makes any sense...
  9. Good morning Avsim! I was browsing through the Flight Sim reddit when somebody pointed out that HiFi, the makers of Active Sky Next, released a new video on their YouTube channel hinting at a new product (possibly AS2016?). It looks like their new program will include textures and will be compatible with ASN to determine what kind of cloud textures are needed to accurately depict the weather. Or maybe it'll be its own weather engine that installs textures, like AS2012. It looks like (maybe) we can change textures in-game, which might be really cool. Here's the link courtesy of r/Sethos88: According to the description, they'll be showcasing it at FlightSimCon in June. Knowing HiFi, it'll be a fantastic addon. Can't wait to hear more! What are your thoughts?
  10. I saw a post before (can't remember if it was here on Avsim or not) saying that the Leonardo Maddog is compatible with P3D v3. I'm running v2.5 though like Rick. Is there anything saying it works? Haven't flown that plane in ages. I remember how much fun it was to fly...
  11. You need to click that C button. Should fix your problem.
  12. Leave it alone. Don't edit it. Lockheed Martin has modified it to be as good as possible. Just mess around with your sliders in the settings.
  13. You somehow probably managed to break your .cfg file. Delete it and let it rebuild itself. Don't add anything after it rebuilds. EDIT: And please don't yell in the forums. People will be more likely to ignore you.
  14. TheNerd


    The 750ti isn't that bad. I had one (upgraded recently) and had most of my P3D settings on high. Ran about 25fps in the PMDG 777 with ASN at complex airports. It's your CPU that's limiting your PC. I hate to break it to you, Bonanza90, but AMD CPUs are awful for FSX/P3D.
  15. This has been brought up here on the forums. Somebody from PMDG (I don't think it was you, Tom) said that it was a limitation of FSX/P3D. We have to live with it. It's a minor issue at least.
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