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Everything posted by Lionsluke

  1. Ahh I see, looking into it further the bug definitely may be the catalyst for the issue. I’ll check out other solutions but I’ll probably have to shell it out for FSUIPC’s full version then. Cheers mate, Luke
  2. Hello all, Today I hopped on to VATSIM and was ready to fly from Sydney down to Melbourne in a PMDG 737-800. However, as soon as i jumped into the air, the wind began to change from a crosswind from the left at 15 knots to a crosswind from the right at 8 knots, complete polar opposites. As a result, my autopilot wobbled all over the place and could barely fly in a straight line. My speed barely went over 160 knots even with gear down, flaps up and full throttle resulting in an underspeed alert. I'd say the wind changed direction twice in a second, back and forth from as soon as I lifted off. I use the freeware FSXWX weather engine version 1.6.1 for FSX and honestly have no idea what the cause is. It has happened only once before although that was offline. Could it have anything to do with the default FSX weather messing with FSXWX? It changed itself to 'User Defined Weather', should this be the case? My only guess would be that FSX and FSXWX were fighting over control of the weather. I'm completely stumped on this one and would sincerely appreciate a response. Thanks in advance, Luke
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