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Article Comments posted by environmental_ice

  1. I don't understand rex. nobody is asking for a new website or HD textures for default airports. I basically gave up on sim air anyways since I went about 4 years without simming only to come back and see they still have the project on "hold" lol why is it on hold? Nobody is asking for the things they keep apparently putting all their resources into regarding development. They could have a game changer with Sim Air that has the possibility of blowing all these other cookie cutter gimmicks out of the water. Yes Im talking about things like projectfly, vamSys, and sim buddy...I dont even know where to start on why you just cant get fully immersed in these places. Im sure it works for some but definitely not most. From the outside it doesnt look like Rex knows what they are doing on attacking a specific market. I have active sky already, Im not wasting money on skyforce but hey what do I know? Someone must be buying it so I guess they will continue to create revamped weather engines forever 

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