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Posts posted by Droprocker

  1. Thx for the Answer!

    You are right. EDBH looks correct maybe the others as well, but in some way there still must be a layering problem in terms of missing shadows (on the dark textures from edbh for example). So i have in suspect that the envtex-Textures which i have installed as well are a bit of a problem. But on Envdir i didn´t found a feature to only exclude the concrete textures from being used. Is there a way to disable them manually outside envdir?

    On the other hand i had some ground texture issues with orbx kgpi too. in this case Grass-Textures on Run-, and Taxiways which only worked with a downgrade from SODE 1.7.0 to 1.6.7. That fixed it on kgpi, but discovered later on that i still have this issue on Orbx 0S9. I´m not sure if these are two different problems or just one.


  2. So i made a complete Reinstall (Windows included) and upgraded to HF3. Now i have on several Airport-Addons a strange mixup on Taxiway, and sometimes Runway-Textures.

    The Airports from the screenshots, are already placed on top of the scenery list, i played with the FTX-EU-GEN-bgl-Files as well.

    ORBX, Justsim, Freeware, Flytampa and other Airports having this problem.

    Does anybody maybe had this issue as well? Or a little advice maybe? ...a tiny one? ...just a push into the right direction?

    Thanks for the Help






  3. Hi everyone!

    I´m pretty sure it´s just a tiny little thing i forgot to adjust. After complete Sim Reinstallation to another drive, i´m struggling with my 747 to do fully automated landings. Tried it on different airports, and tried it with the 737 and the 777. With these ones everthing works well, like the 747 did as well before the reinstallation.

    When i turn into the final appoach and i engage the Approach-Button i only approaching with Glidepath instead of Slope. And the other to Autopilot buttons do not engage.

    I have in Suspect that i missed to adjust an option in the PMDG Equipment-Setup properly.

    So, does somebody know which options are have to be setup correctly to autoland again?

    Thx guys for your help.


  4. Hello there!

    I'm interested in buying the lhasa airport addon from dazzle colour game, but i can't find information if its working with p3d v4.4. Does someone has some experience with this addon, and if yes, is it recommandable?

    Thanks for your help.




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