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About dresoccer4

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  1. thanks for your reply. hmm my pmdg-aircraft-77w folder doesn't have a \work directory. is this a different one than is in the community folder where the addon normally goes?
  2. Does anyone know which folder to place pre-made flight plan files to load up in the plane (I don't use simbrief). I saw what looked like a couple able to already be loaded in the FMC but not sure where they live. Thanks! Also, anyone else see the Galley is at 10000% brightness?
  3. Do you need to manually update the PMS GTN 750 database with latest airac cycle or does it just use internal MSFS one?
  4. yep the display is at 150% (recommended setting). I have a 2k laptop display so desktop icons would be tiny otherwise. however maybe this is messing up LNM but making all the icons even bigger. i changed the icon and font size which helped somewhat with the top toolbar, but the tab sizes didn't change and are still taking up a lot of space even though the font is smaller. is there a way to run the program at a smaller scale or something? thanks for your help
  5. Just fired up LNM portable on a new PC and the scale is much too large. How do I make all of the icons and windows smaller and more proportional for the screen size? Thanks!
  6. here's a file they provided as an example: [FlightPlan] NZAA -37.008056 174.791667 APT --- KARRL -37.976728 174.512161 WPT --- NP -39.007242 174.183933 WPT 114.40 H384 RUPNU -39.486506 173.987486 WPT --- H252 TONUS -39.877500 173.825153 WPT --- H252 TELIM -40.348936 173.626864 WPT --- H252 MENOV -40.666308 173.491750 WPT --- H252 KUNVO -40.828114 173.422347 WPT --- H252 NS -41.303686 173.216297 WPT 113.10 H252 PEAKS -42.839947 172.614169 WPT --- Y288 NZCH -43.489444 172.534444 APT ---
  7. Great, thanks. 1) i believe it's .RTE format 2) I keep my addons on an external ssd and user Addonlinker to link shortcuts into the Community folder, so that's my special path. So normally I think it's <MSFS_install_dir>\Community\JustFlight BAE-146\justflight-aircraft-146\Work\JustFlight\FlightPlans (but don't quote me on that) Here's what it says in the manual: That looks like a different path than what I use. maybe that's for microsoft store or something
  8. With the latest BAe-146 update, it now needs the file plans to be put in its own folder. How can I add this new folder as an additional export option? It needs to go in: X:\<addonDirectory>\Aircraft\JustFlight BAE-146\justflight-aircraft-146\Work\JustFlight\FlightPlans
  9. yup that did it, thanks. removing the '-'. i was able to copy over my config files from ProgramData to the new folder and it loaded them up
  10. Hmm it didn't seem to work for me. Here is what I have in the shortcut target line: "X:\MSFS\MSFS Tools\Addon Linker v12\MSFS_AddonsLinker.exe" -configfolder="X:\MSFS\MSFS Tools\Addon Linker v12\ConfigFiles" Do you see anything that looks wrong?
  11. ah found out there is indeed working VNAV system....on the p3d version 🤦‍♂️ was looking at the wrong page. i got excited
  12. In the official description for the Learjet 35 it says "1 model uses Flysimware's GNS 530 with working VNAV system" so I was wondering how a VNAV system with a GNS530 works? i hadn't heard of this before. I know how to use the 530 descent calculator but that's different than a "working VNAV system". This sounds like the Lear's autopilot connects with the GNS530 and follows a descent course. Anyone know how to do this?
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