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  1. Simply, click the click spot again to bring back the EFB to request services, then hide it again.
  2. They’re about as far as possible from “The Same Old Thing”. To anyone that has flown their old P3D offerings to their new MSFS offerings, it’s clear as day that their new offerings are a SIGNIFICANT step up, in terms of quality.
  3. You just lost all the little credibility you had with that last sentence… A “vanilla airliner”? Really?
  4. The 737 & A320 are not “niche” aircraft. PMDG charges $35-$50 for ONE variant. The F28 will include 4.
  5. If it is “something [you] don’t even want to use at all”, why are you here bitc*ing about the price? You’re forgetting that not even a full 5yrs ago, PMDG was charging $130 for just the base pack on P3D. This addon gives you *4* variants, each with a custom unique flight & 3D model. The texturing is superb & they have the track record to back it up. Go bark up a different tree.
  6. Just happened to me to out of KSNA. Worked on the ground, however in the air, I keep getting same error after every re-start. Works for a minute or two, then stops.
  7. Okay, sounds good! Thanks for writing to RT developer. All I can say is that increasing it to 60 seconds did help for me. Not perfect, but at least some aircraft are taxiing and don’t disappear on landing. Will be curious to hear his response. I will go look for thread here about drawbacks of increasing delay time. Cheers
  8. Hello Nico! So far I am in love with PSXT. It is so nice to have real traffic finally. I was wondering if it would be possible to increase the delay time range in the next update? Perhaps up to 90 or 120seconds? For some reason, there are some major airports that lag behind in the ADSB data for me a lot. For example, KMIA, KDTW, etc. Increasing it to 60 seconds has helped considerably, but I still get some disappearing aircraft due to ADSB lag. I think 90 seconds or more would make it flawless for me at these difficult airports. Regards, Rob
  9. Wow! The updates here look amazing! I haven’t used P3D/FSX in over 3 years, but this collection was always one of my favorites! After playing the MSFS alpha, it looks like MSFS will definitely still need some realistic ship traffic after all. Keep up the great work, and hope to see the ships plowing through the waves in MSFS in the not-so-distant future! Cheers, Rob
  10. Can’t figure out how to PM you on here, but join this Discord if you haven’t already.  Your input is always appreciated and it is setup and moderated by the official MSFS forum moderators.  Great Lively discussions on there!


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