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Posts posted by hanhamreds

  1. This is a long thread now so I may have missed any fps talk, I jumped into the last Beta release as I wanted to test out the new SR22 - the first thing I noticed was a big drop in fps for me, another quick run yesterday and the same experience. I've checked my settings and nothing obvious has been changed graphically for me. 


  2. Everything I’ve seen so far is very promising.

    Asobo are doing the right thing in moving away from the inefficient old FSX code, tear it up and do a deep dive rewrite now they know there trade.

    I’m confident this will result in better performance - which in turn frees up headroom for additional features - some of which have already been mentioned.


    hopefully they will look at the weather engine now too 👍


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  3. The way I see it is this, MS approach Asobo and say hey we want to create a new flight sim - Asobo turn around and say ok - can we have the FSX source code please.

    Asobo then build a new SIM based around the proven but now dated and somewhat limited FSX source code, they implement new tech like machine learning, cloud based streaming etc - it's essentially an experiment.

    Things move along - they improve various aspects of the SIM, they listen to the customer base and iron out some of the teething issues - Asobo are learning the genre - it becomes apparent that the old code needs a re-write, both to improve performance with new hardware and to allow those cool new features like seasons, re-write the ATC etc that everyone wants.

    the Answer a new product - call it 2024 so it sounds new also and increases sells - job done.

    • Like 5

  4. 43 minutes ago, Dominique_K said:

    I cannot imagine a minute that it was not in the original plan. We are talking of the second largest game publisher in the world, they know their stuff.  

    They knew they needed a new revenue trigger at some time in the future. They didn't keep paying Asobo for three years making all the updates or recruiting WT just for being nice to us. They don't love us, they love our money  😄 !  

    Any successful game comes to a point where sales plateau and then decline. I don't think it is absurd to say that FS20 sale potential is low these days. Even the sale accelerator boosts (World updates) have their limits after a while, I suppose. The Store is another source of revenue (30% cut on sales) but if it was so crucial, they would have done something way better, friendlier to customers and more reactive with developers.  

    Furthermost this game as the enduring cost of an online service. Meaning revenues and profits are down.  I don't think that the corporate management could tolerate it.  


     An interesting analysis of MS gaming revenues Microsoft Revenue Breakdown by Product, Segment and Country - KAMIL FRANEK Business Analytics

    absolutely agree - no amount of update's will change the original title - which remember never had 2020 in it in the first place.

    launching a new flight sim and calling it 2024 is a smart move imo. 

  5. I’ll let you know in a few weeks, as I’m upgrading from FTTC with a current connection of about 74mbps to FTTP 1Gbps.

    however I suspect this will make little to no difference. If MSFS isn’t delivering the throughput then that will always be the likely limiting factor. 

    should be noted that throughput or bandwidth from your CP and Openreach (if in Uk and not with Virgin) will also have a bearing on things generally - but I doubt will have any impact on MSFS.

    Regarding full fibre in the UK, we currently have about 100 players in the market right now who are all working at a frantic pace to get the fibre in the ground (and OH) - this will change though with mergers of the smaller players until the predicted two big companies remain with likely a third slightly smaller provider too.


  6. 14 hours ago, Fielder said:

    So I reinstalled the Waco YMF5 Carenado: msfs booted up.

    Then I reinstalled C195 Carenado: would not boot. Had to move that C195 folder out of official and then msfs booted right up. 

    On my system the Carenado C195 prevents MSFS loading with update BETA 11 or update BETA 12. The full update SU11 (not the BETA) did not have this issue. The best way to avoid all problems may be to stay out the BETAs.

    I’m not in this beta, but I had the exact same issue in SU11 - in that it was the C195 causing problems and I never even touched the Waco.

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