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  1. Wow. I don't really know what to say. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. I'm one of your customers since October 2019 and yet I have to search the internet for updates which I finally found in this thread. The update from 1,4 to 1,5 took already quite a while but still, everyone was happy as we received communication about it. We then gave feedback as deadline after deadline was missed. If it happens once, ok Happens twice, coincident. But after the third time it's a pattern. You promised (your customers) that you would release smaller updates and fixes rather than a big update which takes a year or longer. That worked after 1.5 as smaller updates were released. After that - nothing. 1.6 was pushed back and back, blaming bugs and compatibility issues in MSFS which we all know by now are nonsense. "It's important that Self-Loading Cargo v1.6 has full compatibility with the new simulator so that the boarding/deboarding workarounds are no longer required (amongst other things!). To ensure that is the case, we need to spend some time doing extended flights in MSFS without the simulator crashing to desktop due to the SimConnect bug. Of course, we can only do such testing once MSFS actually provide the update." And that was in February 2021, over half a year after the last hotfix. Fast forward and July approached: "Now the part I really need to say - I am acutely aware that the v1.6 update is delayed more than I ever thought it would be. Please be assured that SLC will be updating very soon, is much improved over v1.55 and I very much hope you enjoy using it when it does come out. I will be making a full statement shortly after it releases explaining why it was so delayed and how I will be taking steps to improve this going forward." That was in July 2021. Empty promises as nothing happend. Still blaming bugs in MSFS while P3D, FSX & x-Plane users were ignored. "This is still work in progress and is about 95% complete..." That was in October 2021, more than 1 year after the last hotfix was released. No wonder people were asking, what the problem was, why it was taking so long. Since then we haven't received any updates, nothing. No promised statement, no explanation, nothing. You told us that there was so much work, writing the manuel, test flights etc. So many people offered their help - for free. SLC has users from around the globe, a lot of them would've be happy to translate the manual or write it from scratch. So many people offered to be beta testers. But you ignored all that, you didn't want any help, any feedback or any input not only from the community but from your customers. I understand there were some users asking every time about an update. But can you really judge them? After literally years of false promises and excuses? It's hard to see that you wrote a post like this in the backdoors of AVSIM. Seeing you on Twitter posting this and that but can't be bothered to release a proper, official statement to your customers or update the website so potentially new customers would know what's going on is another story. And you really wonder why people think that SLC is dead or why rumors going around in all sorts of different FlightSim groups? I was a huge fan of SLC and I used it since October 2019. Now, nearly 3 years later I'm so disappointed and despite your post believe, we will never see 1.6. Although I hope deep inside of me that you prove us wrong. I created so many different aircraft layouts and even created y own soundpack which would be a massive improvement over the default sounds, especially those from your little daughter. There was just that bug in SLC which prevented me from finally release it and you told me in a private chat that it's a simple fix and it would be fixed in the next update. I'm still waiting for that. All your customers are still waiting for it. Yet your blaming your customers for all and playing the victim card. It's just a very sad story but I still hope that some day we will have a finished product. The product you promised us, the product you're still promising people on your website.
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