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Everything posted by Yak54

  1. Hi I have one more question - just say no if it's too complicated! Would it be possible to make the older version 30.0 work for the current Real Traffic version? Everything else, such as liveries, airports, park positions still work! Thank you very much for the hints so far!
  2. Hi, then I guess I have a bigger problem. My fsx is still running on Windows 7, so a PSXT server installation is not possible there! If I could do a fresh FSX installation on Windows 10 with all the additional airports and Linda scripts for my home cockpit (with small 6DOF motion) so error-free and with good frame rates, is more than questionable! With my current sim configuration I will probably have to say goodbye to PSXT! Too bad, for me the last working version worked great. I was excited !
  3. Hi, here is my log file. In fact, the main window values are weird! What would be the correct values here? Fsx is not started and would run over the network on another computer - works fine with version 30.0. Wed Dec 28 11:53:49 2022 (utc) PSXT_FSX version 33.2.1 for FSX ********************************** parameters ********************************** from C:\Users\laha\AppData\Roaming\PSXT_FSX\parameters.xml MY_MULT_REGS=false APPLE=false RANDOM=true HIGH_PERF_AIRCRAFT=false LIGHT_AIRCRAFT=false HELICOPTERS=false GLIDERS=false ALWAYS_ON_TOP=false GARMIN=false LIG_AUTOMATIC=true LIG_PRIORITIZE=false AFG_AUTOMATIC=true CLIENT=false SERVER=false BIGGEST=true NAV_LIGHTS_WHILE_PARKED=true AUTO_RANGE=false LEARN_DESTINATION=false COLLISION_USER_GND=true COLLISION_LIVE_PARKED_GND=true GENERIC_PARKING_PERCENTAGE=-1 AUTO_RANGE_GND=8 AUTO_RANGE_LE10=10 AUTO_RANGE_LE15=12 AUTO_RANGE_LE20=15 AUTO_RANGE_LE30=25 AUTO_RANGE_LE40=35 AUTO_RANGE_GT40=40 MAIN_WINDOW_X=-78 MAIN_WINDOW_Y=155 DELAY_IN_SECONDS=30 MATCHING_DEPTH=8 PARKED_MATCHING_DEPTH=8 LATERAL_RANGE=40 SNAPSHOT_MINUTES=20 PROGRAM_VERSION=33.2.1 BLOCK_CALLSIGN= FLIGHTPLANS_FOLDER= ******************************************************************************** RealTraffic detected at this PC RUNNING=true PSXT_FSX in normal (non networked) mode data\dbase.xml read data\fixes.xml read FSX not found in registry
  4. Hi i have the version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 - 22 Redistributable (x86) installed again - no change. My system is a 64-bit system with W10 22H2! The strange thing is, all other applications run fine on this machine, including the older version of PSXT (30.0 - with real traffic cut after 60 sec). The current PSXT version disappears from the screen after 10 seconds. When I start the learner, it says "PSXT_FSX is already running and connected to Real Traffic, although no running process of PSXT can be found in the task manager! The learner itself works fine if I haven't started PSXT first.
  5. Hi, in the event viewer there is an error message for PSXT, namely the ucrtbase.dll : "Faulting application name: PSXT_FSX.exe, version:, timestamp: 0x639da1a0 Faulting module name: ucrtbase.dll, version: 10.0.19041.789, timestamp: 0x82dc99a2 Exception code: 0xc0000409 Error offset: 0x0009eddb Faulting process ID: 0x1db8 Faulting application start time: 0x01d9155b58922379 Faulting application path: C:\PSXT_FSX\PSXT_FSX.exe Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll Report ID: 2f92d481-bbe4-40de-a267-2ed64024aeb9 Full name of the faulty package: Application ID relative to the faulty package: " But it is the current version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 - 22 Redistributable (x64) loaded! What else could I have done wrong?
  6. Hi, PSXT and RT run on the same PC of course. Only FSX has its own PC. What I don't understand: Why does the PSXT gui disappear after a few seconds? Even if parameters are set incorrectly, or not connected to RT or FSX, or PSXT can't find any airports or liveries, the PSXT GUI was always visible with corresponding error messages and didn't just disappear. I'm not really getting any further at this point.
  7. Hi I have now completely uninstalled both PSXT and Real Traffic and reinstalled the latest versions of PSXT and Real Traffic. I still have the following problems: Real Traffic starts normally and works. If I then start the learner, it also works fine. When starting PSXT, the GUI can be seen for about 4 seconds, the SIM bar is red, the RT bar cannot be seen! Then the GUI disappears again! If I start the learner again, the message "6 PSXT_FSX is already running and connected to Real Traffic" appears, although PSXT doesn't seem to be running! In the task manager there is no running process that could have something to do with PSXT. PSXT runs on my second PC, FSX on the first. This has always worked well for me for a number of years. I would be very grateful for every idea!
  8. Hi, I wanted to use my FSX + PSXT version 30.0 again after a break of several months. The connection to the sim is ok, parked planes are placed on their positions. But the connection to Real Traffic breaks off after about 10 seconds. Real Traffic in Spotter mode works perfectly. So I wanted to install the new PSXT version 33.2.1. But this new version ignores mine existing PSXT installation and will be in a new Folder installed (?). This new version does not run, disappears after a few seconds! So how does the installation of a new PSXT version have to be done with an existing older version? What could be the reason for disconnection to Real Traffic in PSXT version 30.0? Thanks in advance!
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