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Design Planet Earth

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Everything posted by Design Planet Earth

  1. Mission can be integrated into the world if there are simulated people wanting to go too different destinations. Pilots will need to create routes for these people travelling to and fro these places. This is a flight simulator not a game! Well Truck simulator has this in their game in delivering goods and having this increase the simulation as Pilots will always have interesting objectives to do then just fly to point A and B! They can build reputation be known as a pilot that meet the needs of people who like to go on holiday or even rescue missions from disasters that can occur whether natural or man made. It keeps the game exciting over many years as that is what Microsoft wants and not just let it fall back as just a training program. Cause they will make more profit if gamers join in the fun as well as real pilots having as said objective to do every day. They will create organization for those want to join and its an on going management so why won't you want that in the simulator? I think many of you all are so far behind just look at Cities skyline and see what the game can become on the management side. This is on buses one of the many transportation system used in the game that simulate their residents. Basic explanation of the transport system in the game And this one is more on transporting resources to and from places so having this in the game will make more players play as pilots transporting goods like parcel and everything else that the city requires. If pilots fail to do this then the city will complain about it! 🙂 This is more on trains and land transportation but can be applied to plans to in MFS. 🙂 So please get this going in the game!
  2. Then i think you did not read my post properly. 🙂 Its very possible as if you were in the 16 century and be told of all the tech we have right now they would too say your insane! If the government and business wants to use this as platform for advertising of which they are currently doing it will happen! This is not just for play but for the world economy! 🙂 And science research to predict events in the future and change what things are happening on this Planet. It can be used for many things as we advance in the digital age. 🙂 Here is something on VR Virtual reality is advancing quickly, but I wouldn’t say it’s mainstream yet. What are the biggest obstacles to mass adoption? A huge part of it is technological, but I don’t think it’s technological in the sense of issues like simulator sickness. When you get above the level of mobile headsets, those things tend to fall away because you have better tracking. The technological hurdle to me is that we lack the ability to flip it off and go or take it out somewhere. The technological hurdle is the pain point of starting things up easily, the way people are comfortable with booting up a PC and with updating Windows and all these other things that have become part of the experience. We need devices that are lighter and cheaper, but ease of use is the biggest production problem. One other problem is that stigma still exists. It’s kind of the glword not allowed thing revisited, which is the fear of looking crazy with a headset on and not knowing what’s happening outside the headset. Using this in public is a no-go. You do see it on planes, you don’t see it on subways, you don’t see it in coffee shops, despite what commercials will have you believe. And the third thing is, what can I do to keep me coming back? That’s related to a network effect. Everyone who has gotten a mobile headset knows the experience of downloading all the free stuff they can and going into a virtual museum saying, sure, this is cool. Well, what those things are missing is having someone else in there. When you add this kind of network multiuser experience, it becomes something different. That’s what people are going back in for: social experiences, including ones that aren’t necessarily online games. I think one of the biggest problems the industry has right now is that VR is thought of purely as a gaming technology, or people see Ready Player One and write it off. For VR to be adopted, it needs to be easy to use and easy to share, it needs to be something you don’t feel weird about using, and it needs to give you something that you really want to do and that thing is almost necessarily going to have other people involved. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today unveiled a powerful, new earth system model that uses the world’s fastest computers so that scientists can better understand how earth system processes interact today and how they may evolve in the future Scientists are trying a new, interactive way to understand ocean current data with the help of high-resolution global ocean simulations. In the part of the global visualization shown, the Loop Current, the origin of the Gulf Stream, features prominently. Surface water speeds are shown ranging from 0 meters per second (dark blue) to 1.25 meters per second (cyan). The video is running at one simulation day per second. A team from the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) facility, at Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, has developed a new visualization tool that is being used by researchers from the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) project to study the behavior of ocean currents. The new visualization tool provides high-resolution views of the entire globe at once, allowing the scientists to see new details that they had missed in previous analyses of their simulation, which was run on NASA’s Pleiades supercomputer. The visualization is shown on a 10 by 23-foot, 128-screen hyperwall at the NAS facility. By switching the hyperwall view from one global image to displays of single regions, properties such as temperature, surface wind stress, density, and salinity can be clearly identified with high-contrast colors that can be changed instantly. Pleiades and the high-capacity network bandwidth and data processing capabilities of the hyperwall is one of the most powerful visualization systems in the world, and ECCO scientists use it to discover new ocean features and their effect on the larger ocean system. The visualization project is a collaboration between NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PiCPbrXmis
  3. Well they can already do that today just not at a massive scale! 🙂 I can scan your entire suburb and recreate it on the computer. 🙂 Technology can improve if government see its needed! Don't fool around mini worlds of our cites have been created and put into games! This is something that is very popular among gamers And yes Sofa too as business will be using it to commercialize their product for customers. 🙂 But there will have models for it so scanning is not needed.
  4. No has mention this yet but Microsoft has hinted things on it and other users have suggested what Microsoft wants to do long term. So some ideas This is a united effort Microsoft cannot do alone. 1. Why Don't Microsoft open development more like kick starter so it can really bring in all the relevant feedback it needs? 2.it has partner with aviation and tracking companies but why not call in other business like major architect firms? They can put in their models of the city and use it as a way of display their work to other companies and everyone else so much can be done! No need for photographics tricks a full 3d model building to be in the simulate world where it can run efficiently on both client and server. 3. If companies can hop on then real management of roads etc can finally be set! Any changes down in the real world can be updated in the sim world. Again they will use to display their work and analyze their construction. Each country has a dedicated server in updating and changing their road network. If governments can be shown why this is so beneficial for them it will get the backing support and fund it needs! Traffic issues will never be the same again! 🙂 Things are going digital and virtual reality is making a hit so having a centralize place is the most efficient way of making this all happen. Companies will want to get on board to boost their productivity! If millions get to view their product and business get to see their work as well as the community its huge gain for them. 4. Just read a link posted by another use on the ecology of the earth that can be put into the simulated earth and maybe prediction can be even faster and more accurate. Everything we eat to what we destroy all recorded in the simulate earth. David Attenbrough will be over the moon as he can do breath taking documentaries not possible in the real world. Tracking animals will be so much more interesting and entertaining as it benefit both commercial and residential users. Want to know where our favorite Deep see fish has gone we can track it in the simulated earth! This can open up for abuse like mass harvesting so protection can be in place to prevent such abuse. Illegal fishery can now be the thing of the past! An elephant being hunted in africa security will know as security will know have the tech to watch and track it in the sim world. Too much hunting on a species and there be alerts and notification to the relevant authorities to prevent a mass extinction. And the more eyes the better as not everyone can watch everything. 5.Digital scan of everything in the known world Archived of Plant species Plants can be digitize and simulated in the sim world and if plants can be brought back to life through cloning this information can be secured and protected. 6. Where is this all this data stored? Each country will have super computers back by the government so all data can be secured and hold there and so alot of the complex calculations that needs to happen as well as the simulation can finally happen. You will need something this powerful to make this all happen. 7. Open to the Game world. This could be the ultimate city builder game as players can help build 3D model for their city and get it approved as the more help the better! And they be alot of 3D modeler who want to help! Just look at cities skyline! Maybe data from the super computer can be used in their game worlds? Anyway i hope this can happen when business and the community see how useful it all can be! Any more ideas you do have on this or is this just way too early to think about?
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