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Posts posted by wan2fly99

  1. Just was given a gf MCP-PRO and EFIS hardware

    MCP-PRO sort of working using the fsxdev.exe and goflight driver

    Everything is recognized

    EFIS no

    Is there anyway to program the hardware using other softwre or any other solution


    I wish somebody could have picked up he goflightflight tool

    Any suggestions

  2. logged into xbox.com then out

    Then it started but seemed to  checking my system and configurring stuff.

    Finally got in and I see thing reset.  Under pilot assist had to turn bunch of option

    In Nav radio when trying to change freq with mouse I hover over button till it changes color Then hold down left click and with wheel rotate the digits strange

    Trying to find setting I had for that.  I remeber just hovering over button and using left and right clicks to change

    Oh well


  3. Anybody experience this scenario

    Start simulator and aligned on runway.

    Brakes are off, advance the throttle to full. I her engine rpms go up, but plane does not move

    I switch parking brakes on and off and nothing.

    Reboot sim and no problem

    Another time landed \, stopped. Again go to full power and nothing moves



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