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Posts posted by Frag

  1. 30 minutes ago, Zimmerbz said:

    Do you have to do this in MSFS first, then log off, run the mod then go back into MSFS?  Or can you run the mod, go into MSFS and delete rolling cache?  I assume i delete rolling cache but keep it on?

    Here is the simplw way to do it (if you switch from Bing to Google)

    1. Start the mod application

    2. Click "Start Flying". It will start MSFS automatically.

    3. Go in the MSFS option, clear the cache

    4. Start your flight.

    That simple.

    Obviously, next time you play, if you stick to google maps, don't kill the cache. Simply start the mod and click "Start Flying"


  2. 1 hour ago, Ixoye said:

    No unfortunately I did not, but I will do it on the next flight, I wonder if cache would help, but from what I understand it will only help if you fly over the same area, or am I wrong?

    I do use the MSFS standard rolling cache and it works perfectly with the mod in High LOD. You just need to remember to delete it (from the MSFS General Option/Data menu) when you switch between Bing/Google. I did not have any issue. However, maybe there is a leak I did not see since I have a good amount of RAM. I will monitor it next time I will play to see if I detect somewhing.

  3. 4 minutes ago, The Moose said:

    Yup, the latest version has higher loading speed then previously apparently.

    I just realised I'm not even using the cache (in game or in the app) and had no issues with scenery loading even with the Hi-Res option on.    Worth checking out again for sure Cpt!

    My take is that if you see tile popping in the distance, your internet connection could be not fast enough to get the tile texture fast enough from the google server. In this case ...yes ... the cache will help a lot if you commonly fly in the same areas.

  4. 4 hours ago, GSalden said:

    Here I use Bing but have changed the look and feel with GF Experience so it shows a more realistic scene….

    As I use 3090 GPU’s I do not care about the slightly drop in fps. I use Vsync /30 fps so enough headroom…

    I did some experiment and did not suffer a single drop in FPS on my side. But I do have a gigabit link and a monster machine. But I doubt this mod would slow down anything, it mostly changes the source of where it takes its images, so there are no differences for CPU/GPU.

    I will stick to the mod right now, but will try to keep an eye on the map correction done by Asobo as stated earlier in this thread. I will report here if I stumble on these, but so far EVERYTHING is way more vivid.


    • Like 2

  5. Holy freaking hell ... I just installed it. Over Quebec, Canada ...that thing is AMAZING. This is night and day. I use the high res tile ... I have unlimited gigabit internet but that thing looks SO GOOD.

    A hint, it has been said few times but ... dont forget to "DELETE" the rolling cache in the MSFS setup. If not you could have google tiles that could mix up with the bing one, which is the weird look people are talking about.



    • Like 4

  6. 8 hours ago, John Snyder Jr said:

    How do I install the GTN 750 in the Piper Arrow. I have downloaded it and put it in my community folder but it doesn’t show up in the EFB on the Arrow. Do I have to install it somewhere else? Thanks

    Hi John,


    I had the same issue while installing it with the Cessna 414.

    check two things:

    1. Are you 100% sure that you are using the correct community folder? Steam or MS edition you do have? Do you have any other mods installed just to confirm where it is?

    2. My second error is that you will need to select the Piper with the GTN750 from the LIVERY buttons while selecting your plane. In my case, with the Cessna 414 ... the option to select the GN 750 GPS is in the livery section. I guess it should probably be the same for you.




  7. 6 hours ago, ryanbatc said:

    More info needed.  Which AP are you using?  The classic one or the GFC605 with the GTN's?

    And then how are you engaging the AP?

    Also they have a Discord for support if you need that:  https://discord.gg/6fZn4eHX

    Thanks for the help Ryan ...

    I do use the standard GFC 605 that came built-in with the downloadable GN750. I usually had very stable flight. But I just realized that I am flying in the west coast of canada now, where there are tons of mountains.

    I wonder if it could be turbulence but I have no issue at all flying it manually and I have set the preset to "Few clouds" (The first one after clear sky).

    How I use it:

    - Set the 750 CDI to "GPS"

    - Go the altitude desired manually, set myself on the course. When I am stable I click on the 665 buttons, in order:

               -> ALT (The altitude I am then is displayed on the 605 screen

               ->NAV (until I see GPS) on the screen

               -> AP 

    The the plane fly on course, but always goes in a wave mode from -500 to 500 climb rate. It is quite annoying. I was not having that issue before the Beta 2.2.




  8. Hi guys,

    I really, really love the look and feel of the PDMG DC-6. However, from what I read and saw from many reviews, it is quite a FPS eater. But those reviews are mostly a year old. For those who bought the plane, did the updates addressed this?

    I love the aircraft, I really do. But if it gonna cost me 10-20 fps to fly it and I start seeing stuttering ...than it's a no go.

    Would love to hear from those who have it!







  9. 11 minutes ago, Milviz said:

    Sadly, that is correct.  The Beaver will not have any of the 310's "special sauce". 

    That said, we do intend on adding that to the Otter/Totter, B-55 and PA-30 Twinkie...(and MAYBE to the Huey...).  (Yes, we're going through our old catalogue, one plane at a time).

    Decision has yet to be made if we will include it in the ATR.  As that's already really REALLY complex, adding more to it seems... well... not such a good idea.

    Oh nooooo!!!! 😞 The beaver is such an awesome aircraft. Nothing beat this sound! I flew many Beavers up here in canada while going on remote fishing trip. Unfortunately, I was too young to pilot it at the time.

    Just wondering (not complaining here, you guys are doing the job) but is there any reason why you guys are not digging deeper with the Beaver? Is it because you expect less sales? Is it a model not as popular as the other?

    • Like 1

  10. Seeing what MILVIZ did with the 310 ... I cannot WAIT to see what they will come with for their next DHC-2 Beaver. The beaver is for me an iconic bush aircraft and I almost fell into tears when I saw it would be the next one after the 310. They were SO praised with the 310 that they cannot lower the bar for the Beaver. I expect that next aircraft to be out of this world!



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  11. Ha ok it does make a lot of sense! Also that feathering thing seems to explain the issue. Cant wait to tried it on later on tonight. You guys are really helpful, thanks a lot!

    I am more used to F5 and F16, i am a huge DCS sim fan. So these proppelers beasts are a bit unknown to  me and love the new challenge 🙂 CANT WAIT for someome to come with a strong C130. Wish Captain sims will do theirs for Fs2020!

  12. Hi guys,


    First post here ... long time reader. Pretty sue someone can help me out here. I want to land on very short runway strip while bushflying my Cessna Caravan 208.

    Wondering... i noticed in the controls that there are REVERSE PROPELLER and REVERSE THROTTLE. Not sure which one should be used as well as how the procedure works. Briefly, i need that little beast to stop as quicly as possible! 

    Some of those short strip deliveries in Alaska give me the chill (Fell in love with OnAir manager :) )

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