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beep boop

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Everything posted by beep boop

  1. Truth be told, the aircraft I really want, but don't know if anyone is developing it, is either the An-2, or the L1011. Also I like biplanes quite a bit. I haven't messed around with many jets, as I like messing with propeller settings to try and figure out how they work, but I'm open to suggestion. Fav period of flight is probably post war through the 1970s, where we had a lot of navigational aides, but you still had to fiddle with idiotic systems to use them (pre-GPS, steam gauge, you know what I mean). I like that little prop trainer you showed, I wish there was a DC-3 though, or something about that size. Not so big where my natural idiocy would constantly get me killed from lack of planning, but big enough where I have to think a bit more to grow as a sim pilot.
  2. So the Carenado Piper just "dropped" but I already own the Mooney. I adore the Mooney, and am generally interested in low wing planes of the type, but are the close enough where my money would be better spent on say, the Bird Dog? I almost bought the bird dog before, I like the plane, but the price tag was slightly higher than I can justify blowing. I can drop $20 on something without too much though because I'm clearly rolling in it, but $29 made me shy away. Where would you spend the money for an add-on aircraft for MSFS?
  3. This is bumming me out, it's my favorite FS2020 aircraft to fly... Makes me wary about buying any add-on aircraft. They aren't cheap, and to think they just stop working randomly def. makes me want to save my coin and scour freeware.
  4. I find that some of the keys work as modifiers, but I can't use some for specific controls. Like, I can't seem to set one for mixture control on the gamepad. I use the trigger and bumper buttons as modifiers, and it works great until I try to bind an axis, then it goes all wonky. It's a shame, because otherwise it's made the gamepad pretty viable.
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