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Posts posted by whisky

  1. Can I add to the confusion please?

    Did a re-instal of Pre[3d v5.4.


    When starting up Livery manager tried to start a livery file for b737 livery file. When it couldn't locate the file it went into a general scenery mode.

    I use livery manager to re-install the Virgin livery.  On startup, when the dialog box said it was looking the Virgin livery, dialog box went black, then ctd.

    Prior to this re-install I had no ctd issues at all.

    Does Prep3d have a repair tool?

  2. On 5/27/2024 at 12:10 AM, Wobbie said:

    Dunno about this.. My Window 11 laptop has been working perfectly for the last two years, without a crash.

    Most issues, I have found, care caused by hardware.. human fingers!

    So yours has no problems, so all the hundreds rereporting this issue must be wrong????

    • Like 1

  3. Myself, amongst thousands of others are having this problem.  Message "Your device has developed a problem and needs to restart"

    All sorts of suggestions re the cause are offered but none of them work. e.g Try one of the many software fixes "Guaranteed to work" at a price.  None of them do.

    Quite simple.  Microsoft product is the problem.  It is not your hardware, memory  or other hardware issues.  IT IS MICROSOFT.

  4. 8 minutes ago, C2615 said:

    Years ago I got problem of non-update with manually download exe install file only for this aircraft. I have reported to navigraph but also since then I use their data manager and jobs done.

    Are you using manual installer or FMS data manager?

    Both. Neither work.  Auto detect nor manual work.  Have the same issue with Carenado.

  5. I am running PSD v5.3 with ORBX, PMDG, Majestic DASH 8 and a few Carenado planes and weather.

    HD is 475gb with 92gb free.  Disk full warning pops up but not all the time.  I have a second drive 475 gb.

    Can I uninstall any addons and re-locate them to the second drive, and if so, will this cause issues?


  6. I accidently hit a key and now the keyboard is hotkeys.  How can I turn this off?

    This means that I can't type for flight planning etc as every key has become a hotkey. i.e changes views, landing gear, flaps etc.

    The is obviously a key combination to unlock this. I obviously used said combo accidently.

  7. 2 hours ago, rightseat said:

    Bummer about your issues. I haven't had any with the latest build. I bet Steve is right, and it was an antivirus issue of some kind. I got those with A2A planes, and I was just as frustrated until I got that figured out.

    Hang in there; the KA is worth it. 🙂


    I have asked Orbx for refund, but it won't happen. Have un-installed for now, but really would like to get it working.

  8. 2 minutes ago, jalbino59 said:

    Works for me, but I feel your frustration, hope it works out getting back your refund.  Maybe AeroSoft NavData Pro will work out better.  I tried it out it has a really nice interface though I don't know if all addons support it in cockpit EFBs. You may want to research that aspect before buying it if you decide to give it a try.

    Thanks, but I have been using Navigraph for years.  The last thing I need is to introduce more potential problems.

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