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Everything posted by Avgeek09

  1. Hello, I have a problem after just getting PACX where the HUD at the bottom of the screen doesn't show up even though I have programmed the binds, any Idea why?
  2. Hello, could someone link or make the Boeing House Livery for the Flight Factor 777-300ER, please.
  3. I have a problem where when I load into EDDM I don't see any other planes. On the webeye I see other planes and I can hear them but I can't see them. Why? Also sim is MSFS
  4. Discord link expired, also I am in the Emirates virtual airline, although I need some help.
  5. I have made a ticket a couple days ago but with no response, is this normal or does it usually take less?
  6. I have, my friend told me that it might be that I have run out activations.
  7. Hi, I am having a problem where whilst trying to activate the 777 after moving to a new PC an error showed up saying: "error activating aircraft" Why? https://ibb.co/T8TX5C3
  8. I have this problem when I try to open up msfs but it is stuck on the "Take the pilot's seat" screen, tried removing all mods, still won't work, why?
  9. You always fill up tank 1,2,3,4 not the stabiliser or reserve tanks, also always add 9 tons of fuel
  10. Probably works for you because you downloaded it before the latest dev update, now it points to the latest dev which doesn’t work
  11. Could you link a tutorial, i have tried but the irs wont align and the fmc says untitled
  12. This isn't the one I was looking for, this is the latest one, I need the previous one
  13. I have been using the salty compatibility mod for the cs777 for a while now, everything was fine until after the latest update of the dev version, I would love for someone to send a link to the dev version from the 15 of June 2021 as that one worked perfectly.
  14. I have a similar problem in the a350 where i cant start engine nr2 even though everything is correct. https://ibb.co/QpX90KN
  15. Is it possible to do plane spotting on ivao and if yes then how?
  16. Please help me, when i wanted to start msfs an error showed up, i never had this before so please help. Capture — ImgBB (ibb.co)
  17. I found the problem and fixed it but i still don’t know why i got moved to the gulf of guinea, i’ve had this issue before when i wanted to spawn in frankfurt on the runaway msfs places me in the gulf of guinea, restarting msfs helped though
  18. So i read the captain sim forums and is supposedly an issue from the 747 but i have not experienced that one before Here is the conversation i've seen CAPTAIN SIM FORUM - cant restart APU/Engine
  19. And for some reason MSFS moved me to somewhere in the Gulf of guinea, maybe that's why?
  20. I flew the captain sim 777 in MSFS from EPWA-KJFK, after flying for about 7 hours the engines just shut down, lost all controls, I had about 19.4 tons of fuel left, why did the engines shut down randomly?
  21. Anyways i have msfs from the 5th of may and i never had the press any key to start, is that ok?
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