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Posts posted by rka

  1. 11 minutes ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

    @rka, yes, I could go along with that but it's a complicated aircraft and more difficult to fly than your average aircraft. I suppose they could be waiting for the FSL version but a complete lack of discussion suggests to me many may have given up on it as being too difficult to master.

    There have been no posts since mine last August so nothing suppressed.

    It has pretty good ratings in the ingame store (and a pretty large number of ratings too), so it seems to work for the target audience. Not sure if it has that much overlap in target audience with the FSL one though. Probably not.

  2. 8 minutes ago, David Mills said:

    OMG, I can't stop laughing -- and being amazed -- with ChatGPT's ability to write poems. I honestly never heard of this project until I read a news story about it a couple of days ago. Now, to the funny part, I think you guys asked for a poem about "X-Plane." I too asked for a poem about "X-Plane" and got a different poem, but one that was similar in tone and quality and praise. However, when I asked specifically for a poem about "X-Plane 12," here's what ChatGPT gave me:


    X-Plane 12, oh how you fail

    With your bugs and glitches, you make us wail.

    Your graphics are dated, your scenery a joke.

    We'd rather fly a kite, with a broken spoke.

    Your community is small

    And your market a niche.

    We'd rather fly MSFS, with its smooth glitch-free glitch.

    Your flight model overhyped, your weather's a mess.

    We'll stick to MSFS, we'll pass on your stress.

     X-Plane 12, you're a failure to fly

    We'll stick to Asobo, and watch you go die.

    We'll take our business elsewhere, and leave you behind.

    X-Plane 12, you're a sim we can't find.


    ChatGPT would get banned here 😄

    • Like 1

  3. 34 minutes ago, stans said:

    Nice to see a few other people remember the movie "Soylent Green".  I make references to that movie to a great number of people and they just stare at me like I have two heads... and I don't, I'm not Zaphod.

    Old people, let's face it 😄

    About references, I always have to think of this image:



    • Like 1

  4. 12 minutes ago, GoranM said:

    I don’t work for Laminar. I’m volunteering my time to help with fixes and suggestions. 

    Nobody addressed you, we were talking about LRs communication a few comments above when you decided to chime in about NDAs.

    Also I think it's funny that you are talking about misinformation when most of what you're doing here the past days is trying to contradict people's posts about issues with, say, AA...

  5. 2 hours ago, GoranM said:

    Laminar are doing a lot by way of additions and fixes. However, you won’t find much mention of it due to NDA’s. 

    Can we reduce the secrecy a bit? LR is clearly not under NDA with regard to XP.


    3 hours ago, Ianrivaldosmith said:

    I take it everyone is just being facetious now as these things are never coming? 

    Never say never, but they may take larger amounts of time. Remember how long the vulkan implementation took in XP11? Considering these time frames, I'd guess that at least some points from the above list will happen rather in XP13 than in XP12.

    • Like 1

  6. 17 minutes ago, Bjoern said:

    Counter question: How "should" XP12's weather work? Wind gusts accurate to 0.05 kts compared to real world? Cloud shapes corresponding to ones seen outside? Light levels accurate to 0.0001 lux on a grey and dull day? Count of raindrops per m² off by a maximum of 2?

    Oh come on. That's ridiculous. You know full well the weather's far off.

    • Like 1

  7. 9 minutes ago, Pathfinder633 said:

    Tree placement whilst dismissed out of hand by those who only fly from  mile long paved runways, is still an issue for those of us that frequent out of the way strips, the proportion of them that have a very large tree planted right on the threshold is high.

    I realise its an algorithm placing them but cant an exclusion zone be implemented within that Algorithm to prevent this?, I fly from small farm strips extensively in real life and believe me 30 foot trees on the threshold isnt a thing (well it is on a small few but not the <300m ones that MSFS likes to plant them on)

    The airport gateway will hopefully improve the tree placement, and I agree that it can use improvement for sure.

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, turbomax said:

    6 years after release of x-plane 11 they probably needed new income, no matter what the state of development. "let's call it a day, lets call it x-plane 12" 😊

    despite all, I quite like xp12, mostly at dusk in marginal VFR it feels very convincing. compared to the rich other sim (name escapes me) xp12 feels like I'm on a no fat low calories, frugal diet. relaxing from time to time and easy to maintain.

    Yes, I like it too when trying the demo. Still, the times where this state of development could be sold as a full product have passed now luckily - and that's basically a good thing for all flightsimmers. Competition!

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