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  1. They can. It looks like I would have to move some info around . Pms wants ident, note, long, lat. I am trying to figure out how to make the LNM export give those numbers. The reason I ask confused is because the export numbers don't seem to match the number that one find when looking at the waypoint info within LNM.
  2. I tried exporting user points. The coordinates that address expired address different than the coordinates of the user point in the program. I am so trying to import the data into the pms50 750. What do I do to make the numbers in the export file match the number in LNM?
  3. I am interested in the product but have not seen an answer to my primary question. If I create a flight plan in p2a how can I get it into the nxi and g3000 on msfs?
  4. The download link is broken and the same problem manifested in the Cessna Longitude
  5. I have the latest version of MCE and am trying to use it with MSFS 2020. Since updating to the latest version of MCE, mid flight, the following message appears at the top of the ui window, "Could not detect aircraft... possibly flight sim reloading." When this happens it stops working completely. I contacted Ben at MCE and followed his instructions to redownload, reinstall and reset. Problem still manifested. This problem did not arise with the previous version.
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