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  1. First: Thank you FS2Crew Team for the Fenix Version. I bought it today and tried over several hours, in VR too. Mostly all works fine. I had the same issue with the door, but its just when you open the pushback app and let running the preflight events automatically. If you do this step by step, the door can be closed normally. I had still some problems with the Fenix Version on landing. My copilot don`t want to listen me and when I ask for landing checklist, he stays silent 😉 But the rest works very well. Now we just need that the pushback too is working with the rudders on the Fenix version and I will be super happy. thx for all Brian cheers toby
  2. Hi Bryan, first thank you so much 🙏 for updating (FS2Crew for FBW A32NX, CRJ and pushback) I am using all three products and after simupdate 9 from MSFS and your updates, all is working perfectly. I just can not use speech control with my Alienware Headset 501 (USB), but with my normal headset (line-in connectors) all is working correctly. Must be an USB Problem and speech control. I don’t know a solution. One question: Could it be possible on future updates, that we can change the background music while boarding or better, we could use our one music (or other wave or audio files) ? That would be really amazing and a big plus for more immersion. (Some people know this maybe from self-loadingcargo, but unfortunately they give up to update this software). thank you for this great software and your support happy flighing charly
  3. Hello Bryan, thx for the reply. The issue it’s not consistently. But sometimes comes a new problem. The push back starts and then he goes some meters and than he stops, finish and say good bye. Parking break is released, all rest ok. Don’t know why he stops. I am using mostly the Flybywire Airbus. Maybe there are some problems with the developer version and push back express in same time. best greets
  4. Hello Bryan, that sounds amazing. I am so exited for the fs2crew for the CRJ. Can’t wait 🙂 I really love your work and that your program works great in VR. Absolutely stunning 🤩 The update manager is perfect 👍 Sometimes on the push back, the pushback car stays while the push back is running. Any reasons for this ? thank you very much for your work 🙏 it makes flightsim more immersive greets Charly
  5. No Mic anymore.. Thank you, York, for a new update. VR-Support…amazing 🤩 ! Now, just have to wait, until Asobo will fix all the VR-issues with the toolbar since the last Sim-Update 7 🙈 (ok, another story). But I have one problem, after I installed the fs2crew_msfs_public_beta.zip: After installation my microphone does not work anymore. Before all been good, no probs. But after the installation, like you explained so well, I see in windows(settings) that the mic is not working (and of cause not in your program too). Any idea ? I did not maked any other changes on my pc. Any help would be wonderful. If not..I need to wait for other fixes (because I tried already all in windows). Or how I can install the version before the last update ? (Just to try if it will working again) best regards and many thx 🙏 Charly
  6. Thaaaaank you Bryan ! That manual helps a lot. I really love FS2Crew for the flybywire Airbus. I already have the old normal version. In the old version you could -instead of pushing a keyboard button- make the next steps with a botton of my thrustmaster Cougar (the configuration was easy in msfs2020 because you using the "decrease or increase cowl flaps" for this). Unfortunatley it this "trick" now not possible anymore in your new Flybywire Version :( Is there a possibility to use this next times in an update ? Because its very cool for VR Flights (with just hands on the joysticks). There are still some issues, but I guess its normal in Version 1.0 and weekly update by the flybywire developer versions ;) best greets toby
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