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Everything posted by mjchernis

  1. How is the current v2b2 release supposed to be handling loaded fuel between flights? Sometimes, I start a flight and the plane has 21,000 lbs of fuel loaded. If I reset all in the EFB, I get 6615 or something. Is it supposed to save fuel remaining in tanks between flights? If yes, does it save by livery? Where does it save this info?
  2. Unfortunately, don't have my iPad home with me so can't test safari but did some more testing with Chrome on Android. Created a home screen link to the co-pilot CDU using the port suggested by the AviaServer. If I use that BEFORE connecting to the pilot's side CDU it seems to work right away. I know--weird and unlikely sounding.
  3. Same problem here and it also started a few weeks back with PMDG 737... A few more details: Happens with both iPad and Samsung Android devices Connects perfectly to captain's side -- everything works the AviaCDU screen updates and all the buttons work. When I switch to co-pilots side it appears to freeze. Buttons do nothing. But, if I press the buttons on the CDU in the cockpit, the AviaCDU co-pilot display does update properly. Just the buttons don't work If I then switch back to the pilot's side, the pilots side works fine. If I switch back to the co-pilot side the buttons are dead again. BUT, after about 5 minutes or so they do start working. Weird!
  4. I did delete the Appdata files and even removed a couple of hives from the registry before the reinstall. Searched for "lorby". I'm just thrilled I can get it work consistently now. Love using the Streamdeck with the Kodiak 100 so just happy. Totally willing to test another version if it would help though. Will send an email now. Again, thanks for your troubleshooting help. Would not have found this without you.
  5. That is not a perfect apples to apples test. I believe 9080 which you are using is the default port. Try it with custom ports. I'm using WebFIP: 18080 and WebAPI: 19080. I don't think it needs to be those specific ports but I believe 9080 is the original port used with a fresh install.
  6. Was referenced in another recent thread here.. I can't explain why it works but I know it does on my system. I can reproduce it 100% of the time. For giggles, I just tried uninstalling/reinstalling AAO. Same thing.
  7. Slight correction. You don't even need to click the Apply button. Just opening the dialog box fixes it. Even if you close the box by clicking on the X on the top right.
  8. I hear you but saw something similar to this in another post which is why I checked it. For whatever reason simply enabling/disabling/enabling offline mode does not fix it. Just tried a few more times -- rebooted, tried different ports, etc. and each time the problem went away immediately when I clicked the apply button in "Port Settings for Web"
  9. Ok, I can now reproduce 100% of the time now! Yay! Steps: Shutdown AAO/SD Start AAO in admin mode Enable Offline mode From browser: Returns Connection Refused In AAO-->Tool-->Port Settings For Web --> click Apply From browser: Works!!! Seems like on a clean start of AAO the custom ports may not be being used UNTIL you manually apply them. Obviously, no huge deal but glad I now understand it. Thanks for your help on the web pages. That helped me find it!
  10. Well, that is super interesting! Just installed the gaugeexample test site. First time I tried it, got a "refused to connect" error. I then tried connecting to index2.html just to make sure things were working and got a proper page not found error. Went back to index.html and the gauge loaded! Then started the SD plugin in and it worked!?!? Gremlins!
  11. Thanks much. I know remote troubleshooting can be next to impossible. Really nothing new other than some FS airports and usual Windows/NVIDIA updates. No hardware or apps. I am using the local IP and not localhost -- switched over when I first thought that might be the problem. Is there a way to see if AAO is listening on the port? I know I can't ping or expect a web page to come back at but is there anything I can pipe to AAO to see if it is listening? Or, does the plugin have any kind of connection log? Mark
  12. So, I spent a little time playing with this today... A few more details: We are on same version of Windows/Streamdeck I have changed ports a few times now. Does not seem to make a difference when things are not working. For months, 19080 was the port I used without issue Reboot does not solve it Does not matter if FS is running or I'm in AAO Offline mode (red dot) Power cycling the SDs does not matter. Restarting the SD audio services which are always running did not matter. Real head scratcher. Something changed that made this quirky but I'm not sure what. Right now, it simply will not connect. Does AAO have any services I can restart? Or, does closing the app close everything?
  13. Same problem here. Using latest AAO SD plugin. No connection status between SD and AAO. There was a recent update to the Streamdeck software so maybe that did. Interestingly, yesterday, I was able to coax it to work with a reboot. But, today, no go. I realize that makes no sense and is not terribly helpful but it is what happened. Some things I've tried: Disabling firewall completely Swapping between localhost and direct IP address connection for SD-->AA0. Historically, I've found it better not to use localhost syntax. Disabling/Enabling WebAPI Rebooting. Making sure to start AAO before SD by disabling the autostart I typically use for SD I had been using this for a while without issue but something has changed. Maybe Win11 or SD updates because AAO and the plugin are the same. Thanks in advance and happy to help if needed.
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