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  1. I'm wondering if there is some solution using AaO for my idea. I've got an old mouse lying around and I'd like to use it to have more inputs, mainly interested in the rotary mousewheel input to bind it to some controls. Is it possible to distinguish the bindings from two mice connected to a computer somehow? Right now when assigning a button, the event registered by AaO is the same no matter which mouse's wheel is rotated. Maybe there is a possibility to check which device sent the input using a filter in a script? Or any other idea how to accomplish this?
  2. Got it 馃檪 Is it written somewhere how they work? I can set some arbitrary number but don't know what it actually means and why it's capped at 30. I'd have assumed that maybe it filters noise based on time and not based on some deflection. E.g. by defining a number of milliseconds, if in this time the value changes multiple times, it is averaged. Anyway, my best bet was the following script: (A:AUTOPILOT路MASTER,路boolean)路0路==路if{ 路路(L:MyAxis-ElevatorTrim)路4路/路flr路250路/路10000路*路(>K:AXIS_ELEV_TRIM_SET) } So the trim axis simply has no effect as long as AP Master is turned on. This was I can even reduce the smoothing algorithm since when flying manually the jittering/noise isn't that big of an issue. Thanks for the quick help, looking forward to any improvements here 馃檪
  3. word not allowed, the fact that my posts are to be moderated makes it really hard to provide updates... So I understood the syntax a little better and the result that works for me (but I'm still working on the sensitivity): (L:MyAxis-ElevatorTrim)路4路/路flr路250路/路10000路*路(>K:AXIS_ELEV_TRIM_SET) With the range of -1000 to +1000. So in fact I'm reducing the sensitivity by factor 4 and limiting the output to +/-10000 rather than the full 16k range (since I usually wouldn't trim that hard).
  4. Thanks a lot, this seems to do the trick for now as a workaround! I changed the axis from -500 to +500 in order to have the smoothing/curve start in the middle of the trim axis and then updated your script suggestion to the following: (L:MyAxis-ElevatorTrim)路10路/路flr路100路/路32768路*路+路(>K:AXIS_ELEV_TRIM_SET) So 100 distinct spots but with negative value as input to the script 馃檪 Would be interesting if you find some issue with Filters since I can't tell if earlier versions worked as I'd expect them to. But for the time being, this will help me a little even if I lose a bit of precision in trimming (which I try to gain using the smoothing/curve.
  5. I'm using the potentiometers of an old joystick to set the elevator trim for MSFS. The axis is set up as follows: No matter which Filter strength I set, the input to the sim is jittering quite often between values since the input value from the Joystick has a far lower resolution (the value below the axis is showing very high values, but the actual resolution of the axis is somewhere around 0-512) than the value that needs to be provided to the MSFS axis. The issue I have with this is not only the jittering trim wheel in the cockpit, but also that when using the autopilot, it's interfering with the AP (e.g. on JustFlight Piper Arrow III). Is there a way to actually filter the Joystick input sufficiently so that alternating values are not sent as changes to the sim? If there is no such way, how do I achieve that at least if AP master is turned on, the input of this axis is disabled to at least block it from interfering with AP input? This issue is one of the main reasons I bought AAO since I saw the "Filter strength" feature and it did sound like it's the one I needed, but it doesn't work as I expected.
  6. Can confirm this with TDS GTNXi, so doesn't seem to be related to the GTN used. Was really surprised what was going on, all looked fine until maybe 1nm to the treshold.
  7. Have some more details I noticed (probably some were already reported): - When preparing the AP on the ground, I press VS and then us the mouse wheel to dial in the climb vertical speed. If I accidentally move the mouse wheel forward (resulting in negative VS), the AP shows -100fpm and from then on it's not possible for me to properly set the VS to the desired positive value (1000fpm). Disabling VS and enabling it and turning it into the right direction resolves the issue. - Cowl Flaps having only 2 positions (open/closed) is incorrect as mentioned by others - The VDI/GS on the HSI is very hard to see, maybe it's realistic, but I have troubles with it and need to use the GS indicator on the attitude indicator instrument - Opening the small windows in the cockpit change the sound, but the sound isn't directional. Neither does it change position when rotating the camera nor does it seem to emphasize the volume of the engine that is on the side of the opened window - Opening the small windows doesn't result in depressurization. Either opening should be suppressed or the depressurization should happen - Autopilot Master Switch bound to my Joystick button in sim doesn't disengage AP - I REALLY need an option to disable state saving. The fact that this is not optional neither is there a way to delete the saved state manually is a No-Go for me
  8. Did someone already mention that some tri-state switches have wrong directions? When hovering, the arrow shows into the wrong direction and using the mouse wheel to switch between the states moves them into the wrong direction. One example is the Landing Light switch. Usually you should push the switch forward by using mouse wheel forward, but instead you need to use it backwards, which is very counter-intuitive.
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