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  1. Ok This is starting to make sense. Yes, I am using the driver command to load custom views and that part works great. I didn't realize PD has direct access to vjoy. And also didn't realize SD talks to FSUIPC. Hence my complicated incorrect information chain. Will study further. Is the vJoy fork install a part of the Install-PilotsDeck-v0.8.6_B1rsG.zip? I did the install from this zip file. Apologies for not including any log files because i have no idea how to do that. I think this is an understanding problem on my part so the logs probably won't show anything amiss. Thanks
  2. Sorry I am a bit of a newbie. I simply want to use of the command address in the pilotsdesk simple button (the command type is All sims: Vjoy Driver) in connection with a FSUIPC vjoy binding to a MSFS2020 preset. In your documentation it says under the All Sims: Vjoy Driver command type I can use vjoystick id number:button number in the command address to basically bind the streamdeck button to a virtual joystick button. I am using the vjoy feeder to verify that the virtual joysticks (1 and 2 are setup correctly). What is weird is that the #1 joystick and button is working (1:1 as command address) but when I change the command address to 2:1 to invoke the 2nd joystick is doesn't work. Even though when I activate the button on the second joystick through vJoy Feeder it works. I am just looking for some hints as to why it wouldn't work. I hope this is clear.
  3. I have setup up a button assignment in FSUIPC (FSUIPC sees the joystick and I bind the button to a preset). Previously I have setup two vjoysticks. Using the latest pilotdeck plugin I have created a simple Stream deck button which uses the AllSims: vjoy driver. in the command address I use the joystick number (as assigned by vjoy feeder:1) and button number separated by a colon. I press the button in the steamdeck and nothing happens (the deck shows the yellow triangle). In the vjoy feeder app i can press the button and MSFS responds correctly. What am i doing wrong? I should add that FSUIPC sees the joystick# as E.
  4. Just noticed that this is the wrong forum will repost correctly. Apologies
  5. I should add that in FSUIPC the joystick# is shown as E
  6. I have setup up a button assignment in FSUIPC (FSUIPC sees the joystick and I bind the button to a preset). Previously I have setup two vjoysticks. Using the latest pilotdeck plugin I have created a simple Stream deck button which uses the AllSims: vjoy driver. in the command address I use the joystick number (as assigned by vjoy feeder:1) and button number separated by a colon. I press the button in the steamdeck and nothing happens (the deck shows the yellow triangle). In the vjoy feeder app i can press the button and MSFS responds correctly. What am i doing wrong?
  7. yah i have and use the plug in to run scripts via button pushes. I was just wondering if there was a better way to implement the button pushes. Thanks
  8. I am trying to add a button assignment in AAO (latest version and msfs2020). Under the device choices I currently have any, keyboard, mouse, and voice as choices. Under hardware changes the stream deck xl appears in the connected devices list. How can I get the stream deck to appear under the device drop down list when trying to make button assignments?
  9. Ok the joystick somehow got blacklisted. I moved it over to the active devices. All is well.
  10. I tried clicking on the device field when trying to map a button (add button assignment) and the joystick wasn't coming up. Will try the blacklist idea.
  11. Running latest AAO with MSFS with the Fenix a320 loaded. I am using the Thrustmaster throttle quad and the Thrustmaster airbus joystick. I can calibrate each using the Thrustmaster control panel app and each is seen in MSFS. However, when I tried to map a button from the joystick to the Fenix via AAO, AAO doesn't see the joystick or button push. Any reason why AAO cannot see the joystick while everything else can?
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