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  1. That will be a next step - to take NavData directly from MSFS or alternative data sources by avoid continuous subscriptions. This topic was started with initial preview introduction of version 2. We've put huge effort on version 2 development with all it's leading features like: More realistic AI Voices. New panel fully integrated in MSFS with ability to open from Tablet/Mobile another computer. Finally Speech Recognition - which is very close to initial demonstration. Unfortunately - we can't solve all possible problems in one single shot, but we're doing our best.
  2. We need more exact information about it, like screenshots when it was happened.
  3. Then check landing/takeoff distance - which is also in FSHud aircraft settings. Also check how it behaves with another livery of A320 (probably default one) - some liveries contains incorrect parameters.
  4. Lights not presented is aircraft model issue - which doesn't react on light flags sent via SDK. All aircrafts lights are controlled in the same way and same commands are sent to turn on/off those lights.
  5. Not really cheating - this actually will be improved in version 2. It is described in preview video (navigation on top that show all the route gate-to-gate).
  6. FSHud does report you the runway before TOD "Expect .... runway XX". You can also change those settings using "Change arrival settings" option - as shown in Flight Tutorial video:
  7. Alright, and what is your Environment specs (especially amount of CPU cores)?
  8. Is it continuously 33%, or time-to-time peaks?
  9. What aircraft are you flying? Did you checked ceiling altitude settings in Aircraft setting of FSHud panel?
  10. On i7-8700 I'm getting around 45 FPS without AI Traffic, then after starting FSHud with default settings (50/50) it decreases to 25. Then I turn on Performance Balancer to 25-30 which leaves me with around 20/20 aircrafts by getting FPS up to 30. In terms of communications: no traffic=silent channel with only user.
  11. Yes, P3D compatibility leaves the same as in previous version.
  12. It requires tight cooperation with user (like making several calls to see together how it looks like, provide custom version and so on). Those things are not written in logs or somewhere - mostly it is under the hood of MSFS or system. And you can't measure all of that. Besides - it can be (as you said) personal opinion or completely something else. Until now, we've not found any enthusiasts who agree to do that (we've posted this mention in our Discord channel).
  13. As said in the video - "No additional costs or fees". All AI Based voices will come as part of application and will be increased in next updates.
  14. I agree with you regarding the "smooth". But there are two things: 1. In our environments - the FPS impact is almost the same - no matter what MSFS settings or resolution you're using, you loose around 20 FPS in any case. The environments are: i7 8700 3.2 GHz RTX 3060 32GB RAM - All settings are on ultra except TOD (which is on 50) DX11 and 4K monitor. i5 13600KF RTX 4070 32GB RAM - All settings are on ultra DX12 with Frame Generation and standard monitor. So as you can see, completely different machines with different settings gives same impact of 20 FPS - which seems like something to expect from FSHud. Another thing is: Some users are complaining about high FPS drop. In some cases - users are complaining about higher than 20 FPS drop and we still don't have a solution to reproduce this problem. Others are not providing any information by just saying "High FPS drop". So currently I can't say the root problem cause, but I don't think it is related to MSFS settings at all.
  15. Everyone has it's own opinion. At some point @AnkH is right, by the end FSHud does have FPS impact. I think it's hard or almost impossible to prove something to someone with technical level of comparing aircraft repaint to AI Solution in general (which is basically bulk of pixels completely rendered on MSFS side). And something like FSHud that needs to run and perform GeoSpacial calculations almost every frame just to keep the aircraft on correct path - otherwise aircraft will end up in the grass. Or the ability to force the aircraft to land/takeoff according to ATC calculated active runway. Or define taxi path according ATC requirements. All those are impossible to do with MSFS AI Controlled traffic engine. @AnkH - FSHud is not only about AI Traffic. You can turn off the traffic and use it as ATC program.
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