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About Moron

  • Birthday February 5

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  1. All I got when I went Trick or Treating this year was a bunch of Tootsie Rolls and red licorice. Also, bubble gum that I'm pretty sure people had leftover from LAST Halloween. I guess I'm just mad at the world in general.
  2. Appears that the Iris PC-21 HUD gets wet inside the cockpit when it rains, making it unreadable in instrument conditions (this according to dialog exchange on the Iris Discord channel.) Developer responded with, "lol, yeah, that's the limitation with XML gauges. We're working on a HTML HUD, but for the moment, use the F-18" Default F-18 HUD also gets 'wet' and unreadable when it rains, btw. I just can't deal with this kind of mentality. Bang, erase, lesson learned - Iris hasn't changed much since the old days (sigh). India Foxtrot Echo, count me in.
  3. No, I suppose not. It would've been nice if Iris had made perhaps just a little more effort system-wise here. Even stock Asobo aircraft have at least a rudimentary cabin pressurization system and core avionics. Advising customers to use MSFS2020's autorudder assist in lieu of simulating a PC-21's PMS is pretty questionable though. Again, everything depends on user expectations. I personally appreciate someone who owns a product being upfront and candid about the features without being biased either way.
  4. Having purchased this now, my initial findings are that this is certainly not on par with a DCS-level study sim by any stretch of the imagination in terms of systems modeling. A lot of systems have not been modeled; symbology on the HUD can appear outside of the combiner glass due to "technical limitations." No environmental control system modeled (i.e. cabin pressurization); FMS is stock MSFS2020 which of course is c-r-a-p. Flight modeling-wise, aircraft performance is actually pretty good. There are questionable spin characteristics according to some, mainly in use of recovery technique in the Iris Sim vs. that of the real aircraft. Power Management System that is on the real PC-21 is not modeled on the Iris Sim aircraft and they humbly suggest you instead simply enable autorudder in MSFS2020. 🙄 Really depends on what you're looking for in a MSFS2020 add-on and whether your reference datum is a DCS level study-sim product. I don't hate the IRIS PC-21, but not sure if I'll ever love it. Overall, Iris Simulations is sorta in the middle between a Carenado product and a DCS aircraft: Not total c-r-a-p but also not the ultimate realism type add-on. Is Iris better than the offings from India Foxtrot Echo? Hmmmm, that is subject to debate.
  5. From the Iris PC-21 manual: "FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (FMS) - While the aircraft uses the CMC Flight Management System, due to technical limitations, we have a modified FMS based on the MSFS 747 unit."
  6. Baby steps. Getting that canopy closed is your first challenge right out of the gate. Stick with it and keep practicing - it'll come to you. 😉
  7. I wasn't a huge fan of Iris' PC-9 series for P3D due to lack of systems depth and glaring flight model issues, but the PC-21 for MSFS2020 looks like it has promise. I'm at least intrigued by some of the videos coming out since it was released.
  8. FSRealistic is fantastic and absolutely indispensable. Don't even think twice about getting it.
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