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  1. Hello, How can I see the lights on the cockpit at night like in the attached picture? No matter how many lights I turn on, there's only darkness
  2. I use the default live weather, the cloud is injected normally in the first few hours, but after a few hours, I don't see the cloud, is there a way to solve this problem completely? I also informed msfs team about this problem, but there is no answer
  3. Ahh thanks! but no Asian or Russian?
  4. Hello, I plan to purchase PMDG 777 FS2CREW for P3Dv5. but how many crew accents exist in FS2CREW for PMDG 777?
  5. I wonder if the DME mark is implemented in the PMDG 777 as a amber phrase when the DME signal is not received as in the real 777 attach a pic= https://ibb.co/k805w4r
  6. In p3d, there is no usable a340, so I using bbs a340. But if there are people who still use blackbox widebody products in p3d. Does the path contain a your Prepar3d/BlackBox Simulation\Airbus A330 Family= "panel.ini" file? 답글
  7. In order to set it as cold and dark in the manual, It currently contains the following line regarding Cold and Dark: //panelstate=coldanddark.pnl Remove the // so it should only read: panelstate=coldanddark.pnl There is a content like this, but qw787.cfg of my Prepar3D v5\QualityWings does not contain //panelstate=coldandark.pnl, but it disappeared as it was updated?
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