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Everything posted by tgarla777300er

  1. Hi all, So I've eliminated some add ons such as Envtex, FS2Crew not running and still freezes on take off roll. Is there a content error log I can see that can pinpoint the root cause of the problem. It's not a big deal, I can always start another flight out. By the weather was no rain. Just using the live weather via Rex Skyforce. traffic settings is turned off.
  2. My P3D 5.4 has a chronic problem that I just discovered today. As I have my take off roll set and I am rolling down the runway when I reach a 100kts, simulator froze. I have to use task manager to end it so I can use my computer. This happens with my PMDG 747-400, Drzewiecki Design Tokyo Narita add on, OBRX global base vector, envshade, REX skyforce 3d weather engine on, FS2 crew on at the same time. I have saved my flight at runway entry point and when I load it up for take off and then take off, the problem happens.
  3. are you guys also experiencing freezing upon take off roll with an add on airport, Orbx base and vector installed? I'm experiencing freezing with my PMDG 747-400 on take off roll where I had to do the task manager to close it. its crazy!
  4. OMG, its been over a year since I've been replied to in regards to the post. I found out it was HOTCORNER that was the culprit.
  5. Whenever I use Fs2Crew with my PMDG 747-400 whilst in "onboard Cockpit" captain view, it quickly goes into an outside view, specifically aiming at my aircraft engine. It happens every time when I pull up the main FS2Crew panel and press secondary. If I can do a screen recording of such, I will do so upon request for further inquiry.
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