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  1. I solved the problem by installing PSXTraffic on the suggested C drive. But why can't I install this on another drive?
  2. I have a problem to get this work. I get the error message that I have to install stock airports first. Here is the log: Tue Jun 20 07:34:58 2023 (utc) PSXTraffic version 0.9.31 for MSFS ********************************** parameters ********************************** from "C:\Users\primu\AppData\Roaming\PSXTraffic\parameters.xml" COLLISION_USER_AIR=true COLLISION_USER_GND=true COLLISION_LIVE_PARKED_GND=true RANDOM=true SYNC_WITH_ARCHIVE=true SUPPRESS_STUB=true FOLLOW_ME_CAR=false INITIAL_LOAD_ONLY=false HINTS=true ALWAYS_ON_TOP=false LIG_AUTOMATIC=true LIG_PRIORITIZE=false AFG_AUTOMATIC=true NAV_LIGHTS_WHILE_PARKED=true AUTO_RANGE=false CUSTOM_LIVE_PARKING_PERCENTAGE=-1 CUSTOM_STATIC_PARKING_PERCENTAGE=-1 LIGHT_SWITCH_CODE=8 MAIN_WINDOW_X=400 MAIN_WINDOW_Y=20 DELAY_IN_SECONDS=30 MATCHING_DEPTH=5 PARKED_MATCHING_DEPTH=4 LATERAL_RANGE=40 PROGRAM_VERSION=0.9.31 PORT_NUMBER=10747 DESTINATION_AIRPORT= DESTINATION_GATE= FLIGHTPLANS_FOLDER= lfolder1=H:\MSFS 2020\Community afolder0=H:\MSFS 2020\Official afolder1=H:\MSFS 2020\Community BLOCK_CALLSIGN= MSFS_INSTALL_PATH=D:\MSFS 2020 ******************************************************************************** RealTraffic detected at this PC "input\dbase.xml" read "input\fixes.xml" read "input\airports_msfs.xml" read Error 441: install stock airports first Exiting: USER CLOSED SIM User closed PSXTraffic DESTINATION_AIRPORT= DESTINATION_GATE= BLOCK_CALLSIGN= Not all threads have stopped? MAIN_WINDOW_X=400 MAIN_WINDOW_Y=20 Tue Jun 20 07:35:24 2023
  3. Thanks for your answer. I use PSXT as traffic. The distances between arriving aircrafts are based on real traffic. No issues with it. I also started to try to fly behind them with more than 5 miles distance. But sometimes is quite hard to do it at an airport with lots of traffic.
  4. I really enjoy Pilot2ATC. There's just one thing that often bothers me. I get clearance from ATC to land. But shortly before landing I get the message to fly the missed approach because there is still traffic on the runway. However, the runway is often clear when I'm about to touchdown. It would be nice if there were an option for Pilot2ATC to ignore this or verify it again shortly before touchdown.
  5. You are welcome Nico. You deserve it because of a great addon and for your customer service. Prost🍻
  6. Maybe my English isn´t that good what I thought it would be or I have an error in thinking at the moment.. Is it right, that with the new version there is no manual input of afcad needed anymore for exclusions? I tested it with no afcad and I have overlapping aircrafts. Should I empty the parkpositions in my updated file and learn from scratch those parkpositions?
  7. Now it´s working perfectly. I just edited the afcad again. Because in yours there were few missing. This is the final version. I will send it to you now.
  8. Glad I could help you. And of course you helped me much more. I will try now and give you feedback.
  9. I tried it with 3 excludes with the new version. PSXT still crashes. So I left it with 2. I finished all the afcad entries now. But still having overlapping aircrafts at the excluded gates. I don´t understand why. I don´t have duplicated EDDB files in my installation. Just one in thirdparty and one in updated folder. I will send you the new file. Maybe you can check the afcad section again.
  10. Sorry...but I have two more questions. I already started editing the afcad. I went in an issue. I just can ecxclude 2 parkpositions per parkposition in one line. If I enter a third PSXT crashes. So i entered an extra line for the third exclusion: <parkpos id="B7" airls="" excludes="B7A,B7B" /> <parkpos id="B7A" airls="" excludes="B7,B7B" /> <parkpos id="B7A" airls="" excludes="B8" /> <parkpos id="B8" airls="" excludes="B7A,B7B" /> <parkpos id="B7B" airls="" excludes="B7,B7A" /> <parkpos id="B7B" airls="" excludes="B8" /> Second I wan´t to reserve few gates for specific aircraft types. Can I do it with afcad like this? Is it just type or types?: <parkpos id="B15B" types="A388,B748" airls="" excludes="B15,B15A" />
  11. There aren´t two different files. But this with afcad is the anwser I needed. I will do it now for all those gates an email you the updated EDDB file. Thank you
  12. Now everything is working. The gates are recognized by PSXT. But now I have a problem with overlapping aircrafts. For exemple the gates B9, B9A and B10. PSXT places a Scoot 788 in 9A (thats´correct because of the wingspan) at B9A between the static aircrafts before departure time. At departure time the static aircrafts disappear. Has it something to do with still using the old updated airport file? Should I delete it and start learn again with empty file?
  13. I have seen the radius issue too and fixed it. I've now manually added the missing gates and ramps for aerosoft and MSFS with the correct coordinates. Can I upload them here somewhere so that others can use them too?
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