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Everything posted by shikamaru88

  1. Hey, Do you have any update on GSX in msfs support ? I just installed GSX and would include gsx in flow but can't see any command for gsx. Remember in p3d was possible to get GSX working only using voice commands and flows. Thanks 🙂
  2. Great thanks a lot for some reason I missed that one. Is loads explained there. I was using MCE since 2019 mostly with CRJ but still learning something new:)
  3. Hi everyone, I'm trying to build flows following Ryanair SOP with PMDG at least to detail I'm able to find information. I came across one problem that I can't find solution and also I searched forum and I didn't see what I'm looking for. I would like to build command for "bug up". I know I can just say "set speed to 220" but also I wanted to combine it with flaps on schedule. Wen I want to fly SID by hand in gusty condition losing focus on what plane is doing even for couple seconds is problematic. So scenario I want to build is to say "bug up" on accelerate altitude and get FO to dial 220 on speed and start raise flaps after some delay. Problem I have I can't find a way to set with vox script step of setting specific value to MCP is anything like this possible ?
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