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Everything posted by AndyEG

  1. ....this sound of the lack-of-memory-problem is annoying. I'll try, what you recommended. Created a folder named wumpbin and extracted the two elements. There is no exe that opens. Only an empty folder. I'm an absolute beginner in such tricky affairs...😒
  2. ...hello charliearon - nice video - my settings are: Inital Memory/Buffer-Size: 80.000 Max. Size: 100000 Unfortunately there is no (positive) effect. I try to change the scenery-settings - from extremly dense to very dense etc. .....
  3. 1.) I was talking about the 4 GB Patch for fs 09 - and got it in this way, this patch could be used also in fsx. This MS-Command-line-tool - puhhh....that's a little too much "IT" for me. But thank you anyway. I'll remember that. 2.) Done. 🥱🥱
  4. Oh - good morning! Thanks for quick request. Just finished a simulation from EIDW to EDDL. Closed ("clicking it away")the message box and could finish the approach. Szenery was blurry and airport Details missing. Percentage of AI-Traffic42 %. I use Steve's DX10 Fixer with good results - only EIDW and EGLL cause problems. First of all, good night.🥱
  5. Good evening, these two airports are installed on my fsx. Developer is Aerosoft - and only these two airports cause the lack of memory announcing while final approaching. FSX SP 2 is installed. Other Airports - such as Munich etc. - work properly, even with demanding environment such as VFR Germany, without this lack of memory problem, also with highly detailed aircraft, for example Aerosoft's Airbus A 320. Any ideas for remedy? Thanks in advance. Andy
  6. @Rogen, ...sorry for fullqoute - the 4 GB Patch - usable in fs 09 - also works with FSX? "Low-level - high risk situation"..... About MSFS - I knew about the farily considerable hardware and the high-level-internet speed for streaming. I read about problems, if the MS-Server is down while maitenance working... - therefore I'll pass on that.... - cause I use WLAN.... . Cheers back.... .
  7. ...oh - sorry to moderation - please do not remov this post, I clicked the report button inadvertently....
  8. ...hi Steve - I feared this exactly. Highly detailed aircraft cause the same problems (particularly the lack of memory) in fs09 - for example the cls-airbusses (A 330 etc. freeware by sim-market). Funny detail on the brink: Using - also a product distributed by aerosoft - the HUEY X I enjoy to "explore" these airports and the surroundings, without any "memory-problems". Heathrow X - also edited by Aerosoft - is - like some other airports of this company useable in fsx and fs09 - one of the "problem-childs". One of many problems - using this airport on fs09 - is, that airplanes of "my traffic" (you know this, i'll be sure) are standing beneath the surface on their parking-positions. I deinstalled it on fs09 and chose an other product of a well known english/british simulation company - named Just Flight. They offer a nice support - very commendable. A 320 Professional was my first liner.. - but I don't want to bore you with this. Dublin X also is a very highly detailed airport. The aerosoft A-320 planes are also very highly detailed. Also to you - many, many thanks for previous support.
  9. Hey Rogen - good morning. Puhhpfffft - a lot to read about this annoying-dreaded problem. I will study this. Thanks a lot. When I look at the problems of MSFS - well - it's a MS-Product....
  10. Good Morning to all who want's to read this.... . The annoying lack-of-memory prompt always appears (although enough memory is set with DX 10 Fixer) - at this time at a flight from EDDL to EIDW. Exactly one minute or so approaching RWY 28 the also annoying MS-Warning-Sound .. - *arrgh*. 😡 Perhaps an interesting detail: Mouseclicks at the display make the announcements disappear - the simulation is able to be completed. But then the usual, also annoying MS-announcment pops, that Flight-Simulator is stopped and the problem is to be transmitted to MS. I cancel this any time. Any brillant or less brillant ideas to solve this - annoying - problem? 🤔
  11. Hm. In these Aerosoft Aircraft - issued first in 2015 - your tool generates nice "moving" shadows depending incidence of light within the cockpit. You may know, flightsimulation is my "insane" hobby since '98, as I had the nice experience to stay in the cockpit of an A 320 by flight from EGLL (visiting Night of the Proms in Hyde Park) to EDDL. There was a stormy and rainy approach, I remember that exactly. But the fsx - sorry for swearing, cursing about.... . I "drive" the fs09 also... . Now this is the third "machine" I built to simulate. Well - I will disable the ground shadows at first and see what happens. 2048x2048 textures I will even try. Only this problem with lack of memory warning - in the meantime without CTD but grey surface textures with the buildings of EGLL (Heathrow X) appear - is existing still. Truly yours to Greenwich or elsewhere.... . 🙂
  12. Oh - a lot of thanks for this quick reply - just a few informations about my OS: Win 11 Pro 64 bit, HIGHMEMFIX is set by your product - there is one warning I couldn't understand: "HINT! TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD IS 1024 or less. When using payware aircraft (PMDG A 2 A etc.) this setting may be too low.." The Aerosoft Airbus is one of those payware aircraft. What's about this? Then three more warnings about shadows: "Self shadow of aircraft is set." "Aircraft force shadow is set" and "ground shadow is enabled in fsx." Should I enable all settings? About OOM Memory - I ask google for more... -
  13. Hello to the community, I'm flightsimmer since 1998 - but no nerd. I've just a known problem of simmers, using fs09/fsx at win 10/11 - the "lack of memory-problem" - although I bought and installed the DX 10-Controller. Thanks in advance for tips, I have created a new post to the topic. Yours truly Andreas
  14. Dear Sirs, hello to the community, 'cause there are no faq - I describe my problem very briefly: Using the FSX SP 2 with some Landscape-AddOns, Airports and - pretty new - the highliy detailed Aerosoft Airbus A 320 - I bought the DX 10 Controller by Steve. Nice tool with shadows and so on - until the FSX with the problem listed above. I read, that DX 10 Controller would solve this problem - but unfortunately it does'nt. The same problem exists on the "ancient" fs 09 - but there is a tool named "4 GB-Patch" - it is working. Thanks for - helpful - tips. Andy
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